

Total Downloads: 8,941 - First Release: Oct 26, 2014 - Last Update: Feb 27, 2017

5/5, 20 likes
  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Delete your version of the config and plugin and start fresh as recommended in the update notes.
  2. So I have uninstalled and reinstalled this plug in 5 times and it runs fine when i reboot the server but after all the messages cycle once i get that last error mentioned.

    this is the json i am running, any help would be appreciated
        "Interval": 600,
        "Messages": [
            "To submit a ticket please type /ticket add <message>",
            "To see who is online type /who",
            "To send a PM to some one type /pm <player name> <message> to reply type /r <message>",
            "To tearup a blueprint and get fragments out of it type /tearup <item name> if you do not type the right name it will give you a suggestion",
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You have one comma too many on your last message, and the 'true' should not be there.
  4. thank you!
  5. How can i colored the messages?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  7. Sizing codes working?
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    They should, they're part of Unity and still exist.
  9. Hi messages have to have no commas after them ?

    it says some messages like "this is an example broadcast message" which are default messages while i've set a new messages and im sure ive deleted those default messages before..
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2016
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Each message needs to have a comma after it, per JSON format.
  11. old messages still appearing instead of what i did... here what i have if someone can help that will be great thanks..
      "Messages": [
        "Message1": "New plugins are added all the time. type /help for info",
        "Message2": "usefull help? check out /kit",
        "Message3": "/ad 5 [To automatically close your doors.. 5 seconds up to 30",
        "Message4": "TP System.. type /tpr <playername> to teleport to your friend..  /tpa to accept requests",
        "Message5": "TP System... type /sethome <homename> to set home... /home <homename> to  teleport to your home... you can save up to 15 homes.. limite of 50 tp a day ;)",
        "Message6": "Friends System... /friend   || You can toggle friendly fire off or on by typing /ff",
        "Message7": "Radar System..!!Radars for clan and friends.. limit of 300 meters.. /rm",
        "Message8": "To use Private messages type /pm <playername> <message> ",
      "ChatName": "Info"
      "BroadCastInterval": 600
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2016
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You're missing commas, that isn't a valid config. Delete the config, reload the plugin, and make sure to not delete commas or chat the layout other than adding new messages.
  13. When I add more than three lines in the config, it restarts itself and delete all the content. Is this normal?
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That means that the config was not edited correctly and so the plugin reset it to default. Make sure you are adding commas on the new lines.
  15. Hi,

    Not possible?

    Private messages <RED>type /pm <playername> <message> <END>"

    Thank a lot
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The <red> and such are just custom variables used by Notifier and a few of his plugins. Normal HTML color codes are what all other plugins can use.
  17. Thank Wulf =D
  18. hello guys ist the plugin up to date ? i see the developer last seen online on 25 nov 2014 :D

  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I am the developer of it now, I am on daily and it is updated.
  20. ohh thanks nice wulf :)
    I have a question and a wish at the same time, you would have pleasure to make the overview and possibly to display a config example :) ?
    so you as a freshman just knows what with this great plugin is possible :D

    thanks for read and support
