1. i have searched high and low, don't understand how to write C# plugins.

    How would enable a cooldown on a chat command?

    #region Core
    void chatNuke(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) {
    if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "nukeplayer.use")) {
    var foundPlayer = rust.FindPlayer(args[0]);
    if (foundPlayer == null) {
    PrintToChat(player, $"We couldn't find a player named {args[0]}");
    } else {

    void DoNuke(BasePlayer player) {
    System.Random r = new System.Random();
    int intensityValue = r.Next(800, 1500);
    int durationValue = r.Next(50, 150);
    int radiusValue = r.Next(164, 165);
    int timeLeft = 0;

    Im after a cooldown on the /nuke chat command.
  2. list<userid> cooldowns = ....

    void ...(userid, ...){
    if (colldowns.contains(userid)){
    sendreply('Fucked cooldown');
  3. thats a great help... not
  4. I'd probably have a hashset or a list to put players in that have run the command, and a timer. So when they run the command, it checks the list for their ID, if not found then add them to the list, create a new timer which at the end will remove them from the list, the rest containing all the actions you need to carry out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2017
  5. this means nothing to me, like i said i don't write C# so more or less looking for a example thats very close to what im looking for.

    I found a plugin that im trying to change to suit my needs.
  6. It would take me a little bit of time to write something up that would provide you an example that wouldn't just spoon feed but teach and explain things. So if no one does it before me, I will see if I can do something later on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2017
  7. i wasnt asking to be spoon fed, but i tend to learn better if things are actually explained, methods etc.

    i can code php, python, bash & tcl but C# seems quite hard to follow or its the doc's that has been supplied for oxide being alittle slim of the technical info side..
  8. Code:
    using System.Collections.Generic; //Using directive containing the HashSet classnamespace Oxide.Plugins //Namespace where plugins must go
        [Info("TestPlugin", "JoeSheep", "1.0.0")]
        [Description("A Test Plugin.")]
        class TestPlugin : RustPlugin
            HashSet<ulong> Cooldowns = new HashSet<ulong>(); //Create our list to store the players currently in cooldown
            const string Perm = "TestPlugin.test"; //Create the permission        void OnServerInitialized()
                permission.RegisterPermission(Perm, this); //Register the permission when the server initializes
            }        [ChatCommand("test")] //Create the chat command to do the following
            void cmdTestCommand(BasePlayer player, string cmd)
                if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, Perm)) //Check if the player has the permission "Perm"
                    if (!Cooldowns.Contains(player.userID)) //Check if the player is listed in the HashSet "Cooldowns", if not continue
                        Cooldowns.Add(player.userID); //Add the player to the Cooldowns HashSet so they cannot run the command again until removed
                        timer.Once(10, () => Cooldowns.Remove(player.userID)); //Create and start a timer for 10 seconds, when it expires remove the player from the Cooldowns HashSet
                        SendReply(player, "Test command."); //Send a chat message to the player saying "Test command."
                        SendReply(player, "Cooldown in effect."); //If the player is in the Cooldowns HashSet send this chat message to them
                    SendReply(player, "You do not have permission to run this command"); //If the player doesn't have the permission Perm then send this chat message to them
    Does that explain it well enough?
  9. hmm no. i've tried and can't do it, anyone want to be paid to insert a timeout to this plugin i have please PM me.
  10. Don't pay for such a simple task that you can learn yourself.

    Look at other plugins on Oxide for examples. You can look in one of mine: PermRewards for Rust | Oxide

    Have a data file containing all the cooldowns of players, store the time when they used the command. Add the time of the cooldown you want to the time when they used it, if that time is more than the current time of when they try to use the command, then don't let them use it.
  11. What errors did you get doing this?
  12. He probably didn't assign himself the permission
  13. Error while compiling: NukePlayer.cs(66,17): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `(', expecting `,', `;', or `='
    [DOUBLEPOST=1498348114][/DOUBLEPOST]here is the first part of the plugin, i have no clue in what im doing, where i place things, i assume the plugin reads from top to bottom.

        class NukePlayer : RustPlugin {
          private static readonly int playerLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)");
          private static readonly Collider[] colBuffer = (Collider[])typeof(Vis).GetField("colBuffer", (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic))?.GetValue(null);      private List<ZoneList> RadiationZones = new List<ZoneList>();      void Loaded() {
            permission.RegisterPermission("nukeplayer.use", this);
          }      #region Core
          void chatNuke(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) {
            if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "nukeplayer.use")) {
              var foundPlayer = rust.FindPlayer(args[0]);
              if (foundPlayer == null) {
                PrintToChat(player, $"We couldn't find a player named {args[0]}");
              } else {
          }      void DoNuke(BasePlayer player) {
            System.Random r = new System.Random();
            int intensityValue = r.Next(800, 1500);
            int durationValue = r.Next(50, 150);
            int radiusValue = r.Next(164, 165);
            int timeLeft = 0;        string intensityMsg = $"<color=#e67e22>{intensityValue.ToString()}</color> <color=#f1c40f>kiloton nuke incoming on {player.displayName}</color>";
            // string statsMsg = $"<color=#f1c40f>The fallout radius is </color><color=#e67e22>{radiusValue.ToString()}</color> <color=#f1c40f>and will last for</color> <color=#e67e22>{durationValue.ToString()}</color> <color=#f1c40f>seconds.</color>";
            // Let everyone know doom is coming.
            ConsoleNetwork.BroadcastToAllClients("chat.add", new object[] { null, intensityMsg});
            // ConsoleNetwork.BroadcastToAllClients("chat.add", new object[] { null, statsMsg});         timer.Once(timeLeft, () => {
              // Do damage and add radiation
              // Set off effects around the player
          #endregion Core
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2017
  14. That error literally says you have a syntax issue on line 66 column 17 and it is an issue with the ( symbol. If you've coded other languages before you should be able to figure out how to fix a syntax issue right? Either way that's your first issue, fix that try again and it will complain if something else is incorrect.
  15. Error while compiling: nuketest.cs(102,30): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `System'

    Don't know what that means and no doubt its all in the wrong places.

          HashSet<ulong> Cooldowns = new HashSet<ulong>(); //Create our list to store the players currently in cooldown
          const string Perm = "nukeplayer.use"; //Create the permission      private static readonly int playerLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)");
          private static readonly Collider[] colBuffer = (Collider[])typeof(Vis).GetField("colBuffer", (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic))?.GetValue(null);      private List<ZoneList> RadiationZones = new List<ZoneList>();        public static string Perm1 => Perm;        void Loaded() {
            permission.RegisterPermission("nukeplayer.use", this);
          }        #region Core
            void chatNuke(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) {
                if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "nukeplayer.use"))
                    if (!Cooldowns.Contains(player.userID)) //Check if the player is listed in the HashSet "Cooldowns", if not continue
                        Cooldowns.Add(player.userID); //Add the player to the Cooldowns HashSet so they cannot run the command again until removed
                        timer.Once(10, () => Cooldowns.Remove(player.userID)); //Create and start a timer for 10 seconds, when it expires remove the player from the Cooldowns HashSet
                        var foundPlayer = rust.FindPlayer(args[0]);
                        if (foundPlayer == null)
                            PrintToChat(player, $"We couldn't find a player named {args[0]}");
                            SendReply(player, "Cooldown in effect."); //If the player is in the Cooldowns HashSet send this chat message to them
                        SendReply(player, "You do not have permission to run this command"); //If the player doesn't have the permission Perm then send this chat message to them    
          }      void DoNuke(BasePlayer player) {
            System.Random r = new System.Random();
            int intensityValue = r.Next(800, 1500);
            int durationValue = r.Next(50, 150);
            int radiusValue = r.Next(164, 165);
            int timeLeft = 0;
    [DOUBLEPOST=1498391944][/DOUBLEPOST]i cant remove what is on line 102
  16. If you dont upload the full script we cant help
  17. ok so this is what i have so far with no errors..

       class NukePlayer : RustPlugin {
            #region Config        private ConfigFile configFile;        public class ConfigFile
                public float Cooldown { get; set; }            public static ConfigFile DefaultConfig()
                    return new ConfigFile
                        Cooldown = 60
            }        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                PrintWarning("Generating default configuration file...");
                configFile = ConfigFile.DefaultConfig();
            }        protected override void LoadConfig()
                configFile = Config.ReadObject<ConfigFile>();
            }        protected override void SaveConfig()
            }        #endregion      HashSet<ulong> Cooldowns = new HashSet<ulong>(); //Create our list to store the players currently in cooldown
          const string Perm = "nukeplayer.use"; //Create the permission      private static readonly int playerLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)");
          private static readonly Collider[] colBuffer = (Collider[])typeof(Vis).GetField("colBuffer", (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic))?.GetValue(null);      private List<ZoneList> RadiationZones = new List<ZoneList>();        public static string Perm1 => Perm;        void Loaded() {
            permission.RegisterPermission("nukeplayer.use", this);
          }        #region Core
            void chatNuke(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) {
                if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "nukeplayer.use"))
                    if (!Cooldowns.Contains(player.userID)) //Check if the player is listed in the HashSet "Cooldowns", if not continue
                        Cooldowns.Add(player.userID); //Add the player to the Cooldowns HashSet so they cannot run the command again until removed
                        timer.Once(configFile.Cooldown, () => Cooldowns.Remove(player.userID)); //Create and start a timer for 10 seconds, when it expires remove the player from the Cooldowns HashSet
                        SendReply(player, "Cooldown in effect."); //If the player is in the Cooldowns HashSet send this chat message to them
                else {
              var foundPlayer = rust.FindPlayer(args[0]);
              if (foundPlayer == null) {
                PrintToChat(player, $"We couldn't find a player named {args[0]}");
              } else {
    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Linq;
    using Facepunch;
    using System;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Configuration;
    using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    using Rust;namespace Oxide.Plugins {
        [Info("NukePlayer", "wski", 1.0)]
        [Description("Nuke players in an epic way.")]    class NukePlayer : RustPlugin {
            #region Config        private ConfigFile configFile;        public class ConfigFile
                public float Cooldown { get; set; }            public static ConfigFile DefaultConfig()
                    return new ConfigFile
                        Cooldown = 60
            }        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                PrintWarning("Generating default configuration file...");
                configFile = ConfigFile.DefaultConfig();
            }        protected override void LoadConfig()
                configFile = Config.ReadObject<ConfigFile>();
            }        protected override void SaveConfig()
            }        #endregion      HashSet<ulong> Cooldowns = new HashSet<ulong>(); //Create our list to store the players currently in cooldown
          const string Perm = "nukeplayer.use"; //Create the permission      private static readonly int playerLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)");
          private static readonly Collider[] colBuffer = (Collider[])typeof(Vis).GetField("colBuffer", (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic))?.GetValue(null);      private List<ZoneList> RadiationZones = new List<ZoneList>();        public static string Perm1 => Perm;        void Loaded() {
            permission.RegisterPermission("nukeplayer.use", this);
          }        #region Core
            void chatNuke(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) {
                if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "nukeplayer.use"))
                    if (!Cooldowns.Contains(player.userID)) //Check if the player is listed in the HashSet "Cooldowns", if not continue
                        Cooldowns.Add(player.userID); //Add the player to the Cooldowns HashSet so they cannot run the command again until removed
                        timer.Once(configFile.Cooldown, () => Cooldowns.Remove(player.userID)); //Create and start a timer for 10 seconds, when it expires remove the player from the Cooldowns HashSet
                        SendReply(player, "Cooldown in effect."); //If the player is in the Cooldowns HashSet send this chat message to them
                else {
              var foundPlayer = rust.FindPlayer(args[0]);
              if (foundPlayer == null) {
                PrintToChat(player, $"We couldn't find a player named {args[0]}");
              } else {
          }      void DoNuke(BasePlayer player) {
            System.Random r = new System.Random();
            int intensityValue = r.Next(800, 1500);
            int durationValue = r.Next(50, 150);
            int radiusValue = r.Next(164, 165);
            int timeLeft = 0;        string intensityMsg = $"<color=#e67e22>{intensityValue.ToString()}</color> <color=#f1c40f>kiloton nuke incoming on {player.displayName}</color>";
            // string statsMsg = $"<color=#f1c40f>The fallout radius is </color><color=#e67e22>{radiusValue.ToString()}</color> <color=#f1c40f>and will last for</color> <color=#e67e22>{durationValue.ToString()}</color> <color=#f1c40f>seconds.</color>";
            // Let everyone know doom is coming.
            ConsoleNetwork.BroadcastToAllClients("chat.add", new object[] { null, intensityMsg});
            // ConsoleNetwork.BroadcastToAllClients("chat.add", new object[] { null, statsMsg});         timer.Once(timeLeft, () => {
              // Do damage and add radiation
              // Set off effects around the player
          #endregion Core
          #region Effects
          private void Detonate(BasePlayer player) {
            Rust.DamageTypeEntry dmg = new Rust.DamageTypeEntry();
            dmg.amount = 70;
            dmg.type = Rust.DamageType.Generic;
            HitInfo hitInfo = new HitInfo() {
                Initiator = null,
                WeaponPrefab = null
            };        hitInfo.damageTypes.Add(new List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> { dmg });
            DamageUtil.RadiusDamage(null, null, player.transform.position, 5, 10, new List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> { dmg }, 133376, true);        // Init Radiation on the players location
            InitializeZone(player.transform.position, 10, 150, 60, false);
          }      private void NukeEffects(BasePlayer player) {
            System.Random r = new System.Random();
            // How many explosions within radius to set off
            int explosionCount = 35;
            int explosionRadius = 15;
            for (int i = 1; i <= explosionCount; i++) {
              Vector3 plusOffset = new Vector3(r.Next(1, explosionRadius), r.Next(1, explosionRadius), r.Next(1, explosionRadius));
              Vector3 minusOffset = new Vector3(r.Next(1, explosionRadius), r.Next(1, explosionRadius), r.Next(1, explosionRadius));
              Vector3 explosionLocation = player.transform.position + plusOffset - minusOffset;          string[] prefabEffects = new string[12] {
                "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_explosion.prefab",
              };          foreach (string prefabEffect in prefabEffects){
                Effect.server.Run(prefabEffect, explosionLocation, Vector3.up);
          #endregion Effetcs      // Credits to k1lly0u for code within this region
          #region Radiation Control
          private void InitializeZone(Vector3 Location, float intensity, float duration, float radius, bool explosionType = false) {
            if (!ConVar.Server.radiation)
                ConVar.Server.radiation = true;
            if (explosionType) Effect.server.Run("assets/prefabs/tools/c4/effects/c4_explosion.prefab", Location);
            else Effect.server.Run("assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_explosion.prefab", Location);        var newZone = new GameObject().AddComponent<RadZones>();
            newZone.Activate(Location, radius, intensity);        var listEntry = new ZoneList { zone = newZone };
            listEntry.time = timer.Once(duration, () => DestroyZone(listEntry));        RadiationZones.Add(listEntry);
          private void DestroyZone(ZoneList zone){
            if (RadiationZones.Contains(zone)) {
                var index = RadiationZones.FindIndex(a => a.zone == zone.zone);
          public class ZoneList {
            public RadZones zone;
            public Timer time;
          }      public class RadZones : MonoBehaviour {
            private int ID;
            private Vector3 Position;
            private float ZoneRadius;
            private float RadiationAmount;        private List<BasePlayer> InZone;        private void Awake() {
              gameObject.layer = (int)Layer.Reserved1;
              gameObject.name = "NukeZone";          var rigidbody = gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
              rigidbody.useGravity = false;
              rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
            }        public void Activate(Vector3 pos, float radius, float amount) {
              ID = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 999999999);
              Position = pos;
              ZoneRadius = radius;
              RadiationAmount = amount;          gameObject.name = $"RadZone {ID}";
              transform.position = Position;
              transform.rotation = new Quaternion();
              enabled = true;          var Rads = gameObject.GetComponent<TriggerRadiation>();
              Rads = Rads ?? gameObject.AddComponent<TriggerRadiation>();
              Rads.RadiationAmountOverride = RadiationAmount;
              Rads.radiationSize = ZoneRadius;
              Rads.interestLayers = playerLayer;
              Rads.enabled = true;          if (IsInvoking("UpdateTrigger")) CancelInvoke("UpdateTrigger");
              InvokeRepeating("UpdateTrigger", 5f, 5f);
            }        private void OnDestroy() {
            }        private void UpdateCollider() {
              var sphereCollider = gameObject.GetComponent<SphereCollider>();
                if (sphereCollider == null) {
                  sphereCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
                  sphereCollider.isTrigger = true;
                sphereCollider.radius = ZoneRadius;
            private void UpdateTrigger()
              InZone = new List<BasePlayer>();
              int entities = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(Position, ZoneRadius, colBuffer, playerLayer);
              for (var i = 0; i < entities; i++) {
                var player = colBuffer[i].GetComponentInParent<BasePlayer>();
                if (player != null)
    Full plugin
    [DOUBLEPOST=1498393222][/DOUBLEPOST]/nuke < player > doesnt work
  18. What are you using to write code at the moment?
  19. notepad++ but i do have VS
  20. notepad++ you joking please ask one of the coders to help write it for you or you will be here all day