
Assign shaded sphere entities to physically see the border of zones (ZoneManager)

Total Downloads: 2,535 - First Release: Jun 4, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 18, 2017

5/5, 15 likes
  1. so this an error or what? Just after flying around, some random spheres has been created aswell but under the ground and "reload" function dont work to remove the other spheres..

    Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? sphere[0]
    Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? sphere[0]
    Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? sphere[0]
    Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? sphere[0]
    Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? sphere[0]
    Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? sphere[0]
    Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? sphere[0]

    this is what i get after each "reload" but it dont do anything.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2017
  2. hi k1lly0u! just a quick question. i have been using zone domes and zone manager for awhile however i have come across an issue. i have accidentally removed a zone that had a dome. and to remove it i need the dome id however i cannot see it in my chat (for zone manager) due to many commands... is there a way for zone domes to remove a "bubble" you cant see?

  3. Update, found a way to fix it, thanks! :)
    I had the same issue, but its not really a problem. i think the plugin is looking for a sphere that is not there because the plugin was unloaded. i did have to remove my data file and reload the plugin and then re-add my zonedomes for certain areas though.
  4. @k1lly0u : It appears the procedure `RemoveExistingDome` does not take into account that there may be more than one sphere at a location due to the new SphereDarkness variable. It only removes one and stops.
  5. The plugin works great, but the max size is pretty small? is there a way to disable the max size? also is there a way to force people to stay inside of a zome?
  6. Is it possible to change the color of the domes?
  7. Code:
    /zd list
    return nothing in client console/chat.

    On server:
    [Logger] Tanki (76561197984580089) ran command: zd list
    [ZoneDomes] --- Sphere List ---
     <ID> -- <Radius> -- <Position>
  8. Hey! I'm using this plugin with Dynamic PVP and the zone appears perfectly but then when the Dynamic PVP zone deletes its self after for example the airdrop has been looted the zonedomes is still there, and only removes its self when I reload the plugin. Any way to make this auto?
  9. I have the exact same problem but they moved my question to DynamicPVP
  10. Yeah surely, it would be on the ZoneDomes side of things other than the DynamicPVP side.
  11. Yes it is the Dome that is still there but you have to realize it is the job of dynamic PVP to create and delete. So the question belongs on the dynamic PVP thread. With that being said turn debug mode on in dynamic PVP wait for it to happen again and then post the logs