1. Greetings, my oxide perms do not work only my permissions.cfg in the Configurations file.
    What do I need in order to do it over oxide perms works ?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not all plugins support Oxide's permissions, so you'd need to check with each plugin.
  3. you did not understand me correctly.
    the permmissions of of oxide does not work
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    They do work, they are used all the time by us and in other games we support, but if you could provide me with a specific example, we'd more more than willing to point you in the right direction and help.
  5. one example ist this

      "admin": {
        "Title": "admin",
        "Rank": 0,
        "Perms": [
        "ParentGroup": null
      "76561197972544622": {
        "LastSeenNickname": "Loki",
        "Perms": ["canremove",
        "Groups": [
    but i dont have this perms as admin
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can't use Reign of Kings permission names with Oxide's permissions, currently only plugins that support it will work with it. Also, making up names will not provide any permissions, they need to be valid permission names provided by a plugin.
  7. Can you please show me an example ?
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If I could find one that uses it I would, but there don't seem to be many for Reign of Kings that use it yet.
  9. that is not right or ?
    groups {
        default {
            default = 'True'
            inherits = ''
            permissions {
                - 'rok.fairplay'
            nameFormat = '%name%'
            chatFormat = '%name% : %message%'
            guildFormat = '[00CC00][%guild%] %name% : %message%[-]'
        admin {
            inherits = ''
            permissions {
                - '*'
    macros {
    users {Loki {
    groups {
    - 'admin'
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That's a RoK permissions file, which isn't related to Oxide's permissions.