1. How can I unlock blueprints for every player? I've tried looking at the Blueprint Manager code but it's so jumbled up and makes 0 sense.
  2. Code:
            void OnPlayerInit(BasePlayer player)
                PlayerBlueprints blueprintComponent = player.blueprints;
                if (blueprintComponent == null) return;
  3. Thanks so much! One question, why isn’t there documentation on stuff like this?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    We don't document the entire game, only what Oxide provides. The only part provided by Oxide in that code snippet is the OnPlayerInit hook, which is documented.
  5. Do you know where I can find documentation for stuff like this?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It isn't documented, but you can use a decompiler such as JustDecompile and browse through the game's DLLs like Assembly-CSharp.dll.
  7. Bad decision now, it takes 15s and freezing server. Check Solved - Giving all blueprints (15ms)