1. Is there a plugin that allows a player's authorization to be set when they connect (so they don't have to relog)?

    I'm seeing references to an unmaintained plugin AuthLevel that may have done this, but there's nothing recent/accessible.
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Pretty sure the client would have to re-log regardless.
  3. Thanks for the response, Wulf

    Goal is to provide players access to F1 menu items for a build server. If players can be an admin on connect, CommandBlock and permission settings could limit their access.

    Is there a way to allow permissions for inventory.givearm or inventory.giveid?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd need to use a plugin to override the commands.
  5. Is there any way to access the unmaintained RemoveAAA plugin? From reading responses, it seems like it might be what I'm looking for..

    Edit: Sorry, my dude - just came across your answering a similar question here: Solved - Hide item giving. I'll be looking forward to the upload :)

    (Is there a way for me to update this as solved?)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2018
  6. I have a version of RemoveAAA that works. Just tell me and I'll send you a pm.
  7. Sure - it wouldn't hurt to try it out ;)