1. Me and a friend have the problem that some files are missing in the Oxide download.
    There is only a "RustDedicated_Data" folder and the other files dont exist.
    In every guide we found they say that all files are needed to bring it on. Are we doing something wrong? :( Need help please!!
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There are no files missing, that is the mod.
  3. I dont get it. There is just the folder...
    There should be also:

    And sorry for the double post. We are desperate we are trying since hours.
  4. All files you need are in the oxide download
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    _start-example > Not included anymore as it isn't related or part of Oxide
    CSharpCompiler > Downloaded automatically by Oxide on first start
    mono-2.0.dll > Located under RustDedicated_Data, the root location is years old
    msvcr120.dll > Bundled in the compiler now, also old
    oxide.root.json > Renamed to oxide.config.json and moved to oxide/config, old

    Basically, don't watch old tutorials. ;)