1. hey guys and girls... im brand new to this game and wantet to try and make a server and its all good i can join and all that stuff... but my friends cant join me..

    when i use this Open Port Check Tool to look at my port i get port 80 is open

    this is how my .bat fil is

    C:\dan\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\rustServer\ +app_update 258550 validate +quit

    RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.hostname "My Rust Server" +server.identity MyRustServer +server.maxplayers 500 +server.ip**.***.***.** +server.port 28015 +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password ****** +server.worldsize 2000 +server.seed 2147483647
    +server.saveinterval 600 -logfile “output.txt” +server.description "My server\n is amazing"

    when he is trying to connect to me he use this
    client.connect **.***.***.**:28015
    and just get attemt fail

    when i join i just use client.connect localhost:28015
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Port 80 is not used by the server, 28015 would be. Make sure you have it forwarded on your router and your +server.ip should be set to
  3. how do i change the port ?? i have setup my router to this

    port forwarding
    • WAN Interface : data_adsl
    • WAN IP : **.***.***.** THIS
    • Trigger Start Port : 28015
    • End Port : 28015
    • Translation Start Port : 28015
    • Translation End Port : 28015
    • Server IP Address : **.***.***.** AND THIS IS THE SAME
    • Protocol : tcp/udp
    but when i do the sceach it tell me port 80 is open
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That should be fine, just make sure you are forwarding to your computer's IP, not your external, and that you aren't setting your external with +server.ip.
  5. it is my external i have use do i have to change both then i have only change server ip to the computers ip ??.. i have just change the .bat file to +server.ip
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin should work fine in the .bat.
  7. it do it do thanks alot for the help i was damm usefull... now i wanner try modds
  8. OMG MY SERVer cant seeem to work no matter what i do
  9. same here
  10. my server is up but only me can join the server! I've check with a port tool checker and they say 28015 port is blocked even if I port forwarding everything in my router or the firewall
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The game uses UDP, not TCP, so most port checkers will not work.
  12. damn that's kinda suck ! it's not solving my problem but thanks anyway lol
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If nobody can connect from outside your network, it's either ports or a firewall.
  14. yup I think so too! probably windows 10 firewall it's a pain in the ass to configure
  15. Pls i want to help i have server and any things ok but my frind cant join to my server please help what i do
  16. set the ip your server is on in the DMZ, set your server IP in config to (So it will bind to all local IP's and will ignore the udp destination datagram reference)
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    DMZ isn't exactly a secure option. ;)
  18. Unfortunately, with some crappy routers, the NAT changes the source IP, even on UDP datagrams, so for these busted implimentations, DMZ is the only fix. Also, it should be noted that Windows Firewall should have ports 20800-20825 opened. And RustDedicated.exe should be whitelisted.
    Port Triggering is not right for RUST, you need PORT FORWARDING, without triggering.
    Port Triggering enables a return path for sockets started on the LAN side of a NAT.