1. Imagine a server, where clans would fight over control of land, to get the ability to tax players who gather resources in their land.

    What if the map could be divided up into a grid/tile system
    and players/clans could perform an action to take control of a grid?
    and then set a tax rate on that grid?

    To claim a land set a Tool Cupboard and hit it after typing /claimland
    Use chat commands to set tax rates
    Use Zone Manager square to track who is in a grid, and to give enter messages
    Use Political Survival to keep track of and use tax chests
    Use LustyMap to show in-game overview of clan grid/tile ownership
    Use Infopanel to display what land claim a player is currently in

    Each clan would have a universal tax chest, that gets the gathering taxes of all their lands

    If anyone is interested to build this I am open to paying

    Potential other features:
    - leaderboard

    Any other ideas?


    RustFactions has a Private Plugin called Imperium created by Chucklenugget ----> Imperium commands and Plugin information • r/rustfactions
    Claims Image ----> Imgur


    Potential Plugin References:
    Political Survival ----> Political Survival
    Zones Manager ----> ZoneManager
    Lusty Map ----> LustyMap
    Info Panel ----> InfoPanel
    Clans ----> Clans
    Factions ---> Factions


    Some Code References and Notes:

    == Zone Manager

    enter_message - "" - Set a message to display to players when they enter the zone
    leave_message - "" - Set a message to display to players when they leave the zone

    public class Zone : MonoBehaviour
    -- private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
    -- private void OnTriggerExit(Collider col)

    var boxCollider = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();

    zone manager tracks what zone each person is in, fired off by when they enter and leave zones

    == Lusty Map

    _marker = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/tools/map/genericradiusmarker.prefab", new Vector3(0, 100, 0)) as MapMarkerGenericRadius;
                _marker.alpha = 1;
                _marker.color1 = Color.black;
                _marker.color2 = Color.black;
                _marker.radius = ConVar.Server.worldsize;
    == Info Panel

    "private void SetPanelAttribute( string PluginName, string PanelName, string Attribute, string Value, string PlayerId = null ) Change a panel attribute for everyone or or certain player."

    InfoPanel.Call("SetPanelAttribute", "ApiTest", "CounterPanelText", "Content", Count.ToString());


    zoneOfPlayers ---> dictionary playerID, zoneID // tracked by Zone Manager
    clanZones ----> dictionary zoneID, clanID
    clanChests ----> dictionary clanID, chestID
    taxChests ----> chestID, Vector3

    zoneID = zoneOfPlayers(playerID)
    clanID = clanZones(zoneID)
    clanChest = clanChests(clanID)

    Why the zoneOfPlayers dictionary though?

    Keep track of what zone a player is currently in
    so instead of checking a players current Vector, x and z coords
    we track players as they fire off TriggerEnter and TriggerExit hooks

    But this assumes that we start off building some sort of zone/grid/tile object at each position on the map, pre-generating all the grid objects
  2. I know that eventually chuck plans on releasing it I just don't know when. When he offered to develop bit for us it was with the intention that it would be open to the rust community. As I feel that it is something bigger than just my rp server.
  3. Hey! Glad you like Imperium. It's currently in use on Rust Factions and a more PVE-focused server called The Lost Isles. I will likely release it, but it's still got a few rough edges, and to be honest I probably don't have the time to offer real support or maintenance for it. You were pretty spot-on about the plugins I used as reference. It was about 200 hours of work, though, give or take. :)
  4. I want this for my server too :)
  5. I would gladly pay for this plugin aswell, unfortunately chucklenugget doesn't seem to have the time to release it. Too sad, there's nothing I'd rather have than a plugin like that...

    Please @Gamegeared let me create an RP Server for the german community
  6. If he don't release it, i will probably dev my own version, just to let you know
  7. I would pay a pretty good chunk of money for this to get finished @sami37 if you're willing to do it give me a private message note I'm also willing to release it to the public if I pay for it to get it made.
  8. Yeah I asked chucklenugget for this plugin also for my server. Definitely one of the best plugins I've seen.
  9. Hello, i just wanna let you know about the dev state.

    What is done :

    -Land claiming
    -Map generation
    -Grid generation
    -Claimed land displayed to map
    Command lists:
    -/claimmap (display the map)
    -/claimland remove (allow owner of clan to remove a claimed land)
    -/claimland give (allow owner of clan to give a claimed land to another clan)
    -/claimland add (allow owner of clan to claim a new land)
    -/claimland upkeep (display the current upkeep costs)
    -/claimland cost (display the cost to claim the land where you stand)
    -/claimland show <tilename> (display information of a tile from A1 to Z26)
    -/claimland list <clantag> (display clan information)
    -/tax chest (allow owner of clan to change/set tax chest)
    -/tax rate <percent> (allow owner of clan to set tax of a land)

    What left to do:
    -Upkeep costs system (land decay)
    -Inventory check claim cost
    -Litle hud information with land information
    -Gather & tax
    -Admin power
    Maybe, not sure about those 3 things ?
    -war system

    Default config:
      "Claim cost": "5,10,25,50",
      "Color List": "#20b2aa,#e0eee0,#333333,#474747,#aeeeee,#7ccd7c,#bcd2ee,#ee7942,#ffc1c1,#228b22,#454545,#eecbad,#ff83fa,#00ffff,#9e9e9e,#7a7a7a,#ff6a6a,#a52a2a,#f08080,#838b8b,#050505,#eee5de,#cdb38b,#00b2ee,#8b7355,#ffffe0,#a3a3a3,#8b814c,#b5b5b5,#cdc9a5",
      "Map image": "map.jpg",
      "Max Tax Rate (in percent)": 30,
      "Minimum of members needed to claim": 3,
      "TilesDecayDelay": 60,
      "Upkeep cost": "10,15,25,35,50,65,75,90,105,130,145,175,190,210,230,250,275,300,320,345,380,410"
  10. That sounds amazing, @sami37

    I would really appreciate if you could implement a badlands (PvP-Zones) system. My goal is to have general PvE with designated zones to PvP - to prevent regular KoS and get the toxicity and griefing down to a minimum. Let me know if there's a way to donate to this project.
  11. If i understand claimed zone will be pve and badlands pvp? Badlands must be defined by admin right and can't be claimed?
    Also pvp in claimed zone (pve) will be allowed only with war system if it's implemented right?

    Sorry if i ask, i don't fully know the plugin ahah
  12. Exactly, that would be the perfect final end result.

    Please hit me up if there's anything else I can help you with. I would be happy to give you a detailed vision if something is unclear.
  13. I believe with the actual plugin pvp is allowed in claimed areas, it's just entities that are 100% protected don't take damage unless you declare war. In order to be 100% protected, the grids around the headquarters have to be claimed also.
  14. This does sound amazing even tho i dont have a clan server very nice work
  15. is there a limit on how many squares a clan can claim ?
  16. The one chucklenugget made has no limit, but the upkeep for each grid you claim goes up significantly.
  17. the natural limit was put in by having settings that give land a daily cost extracted from the factions /taxchest. Basically the way it was set up, the more land you had claimed the higher the cost (was set based off an array that i constantly change wipe to wipe to make a good balance, but obviously sami could set it based off some form of equation or something)
    There are a few settings for it, he actually has in the code of the plugin (totally unused for me but lost isles uses it) code that restricts pvp to create a pve server unless you are in a designated PVP zone (airdrop , badlands, monument or raid zone). Claimed land is protected from raid damage unless at /war at which point there is a check to see if the claimed tile is surrounded on all sides by claimed land (3x3 tiles) if so the inner most tile is 100% protected. The initial goal there was to have it more broad than that so that connected land conferred defensive bonus (requiring factions to raid outside inwards to be effective) It was part of an effort to make war last longer and have more of an opportunity for a back and forth conflict.... still working on that last part.
  18. My actual war system code don't have any tiles protection and I don't know if I'll push it, so there is not any protected area if a clan is in war with another.

    The decay system is based on config amount and timer:
    Example :
    With default setting and one tile claimed and timer set to 10.
    Your land is decaying every 10s for 5 "scrap" (if scrap is used).
    Once your chest is lower than the decay amount you lost the tile, if it's your last tile, mean your HQ, you lost your HQ and your tax chest get instantly destroyed.
    Each time a clan lost a tile, all member receive a message.

    Everyone receive a message for war declaration and war surrender.

    I will implement the protection tile area calcul if you are interested in it.

    Ps : sorry for my English, I hope it's understandable.
  19. Sounds great!

    All I would want to do is set designated areas (for example a Trading Area, Beach Club Area (Safezone), Badlands (PVP)) so people know what they're getting into. I believe that this would get a lot more people back to Rust, knowing that endless KoS is not a real thing anymore unless you're exposing yourself to it.

    Thanks for your work so far, @sami37
  20. Hello everyone, some news,

    What is done:
    -Land claiming
    -Map generation
    -Grid generation
    -Claimed land displayed to map
    -Badlands displayed to map
    -Safeland displayed to map
    -Upkeep cost + decay land count (random lost tile)
    -Claiming cost
    -Gather tax from claimedland
    -Gather bonus from badlands
    -Gather malus from safeland
    -No pvp in safeland
    -Pvp allowed in badlands
    -Badlands and safelands can't be claimed
    -Admin can set safeland and badland
    -Inventory check claim cost
    -Can't build in safeland (admin can)
    Left to do:
    -Litle hud information with land information
    -Towns ? idk what the town do
    -Protection system
    Commands :
    -/claimmap (display the map)
    -/claimland remove (allow owner of clan to remove a claimed land)
    -/claimland give (allow owner of clan to give a claimed land to another clan)
    -/claimland add (allow owner of clan to claim a new land)
    -/claimland upkeep (display the current upkeep costs)
    -/claimland cost (display the cost to claim the land where you stand)
    -/claimland show <tilename> (display information of a tile from A1 to Z26)
    -/claimland list <clantag> (display clan information)
    -/tax chest (allow owner of clan to change/set tax chest)
    -/tax rate <percent> (allow owner of clan to set tax of a land)
    New commands :
    -/claimwar declare <tag> declare a war to another clan
    -/claimwar cancel <tag> cancel a war to another clan or ask to cancel a war
    -/claimland set <badland|safeland> take the current admin position to set badland or safeland
    Admin Permission
    On the screen you can see 3 color red/green and the random color light brown
    The stripped red square are the badlands.
    The stripped green square are the safelands.
    The light brown is the claimed square


    If you have some more information about the plugin don't hesitate to push it here or via mp.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2018