1. Unknown if this is an oxide or hurtworld issue.
    But when I open a door ingame I get the following error:
    [Error] Failed to call hook 'IOnDoubleDoorUsed' on plugin 'HurtworldCore v1.0.0 (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

    Don't know if this oxide or hurtworld itself (or combination of them)
  2. A few small changes on doors might be causing these issues. I imagine some fields with the _lastUsedBy were gotten reflectively - now they need to reference the public field.
  3. So it could be caused by a plugin? Or oxide plugin itself?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Missed that, fixing it now thanks.

    No, needs to be fixed in the core. He was basically saying we needed to use a hammer to get info we needed before, now it's easier. :p