1. I'm trying to create a plugin but it needs to give players items. How would I give a player lets say an ak47 and 2 of them?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Take a look at the Give, Kits, or various other plugins that give items.
  3. Code:
    or alternatively you could use 
    var item = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(523855532, 1);
    You should start using VisualStudio to find your solutions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2018
  4. Is there a way to do it using short prefab names?
  5. Code:
    Item one = ItemManager.CreateByName("rifle.ak", 1);
    Item two = ItemManager.CreateByPartialName("rifle.ak", 1);

    Wouldn't be a bad idea to get visual studio
  6. I do have visual studio it just my intellisense works sometimes but not always