1. last wipe my build server was fine, and users could f1 and spawn items in that were not in their kit, but now its not working for them.. It is possible I accidentally deleted a plugin, or it no longer accepts this transaction. does anyone know a plugin that would allow this...

    Build server, users have basically unlimited resources and can fly with faux admin but users cant spawn items... yes i do have /give but i would like them to be able to use the f1 menu for faster spawning.

    Thanks !
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The Give plugin does this, just grant the permissions.
  3. does it work with f1 and clicking items? instead of typing the command
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, you'd just need to grant the permission for them to use it. They can use it either via F1 or commands.