Chinook Drop Randomizer

Make the chinook crate drop location more random

Total Downloads: 376 - First Release: Jul 23, 2018 - Last Update: Jul 23, 2018

0/5, 0 likes
  1. Hello, is this a random drop of the scientist helicopter box?
  2. He does not work
  3. Indeed!

    What does not work exactly? It just makes the chinook drop its crate at a random time if it hasn't dropped it on its own already.
  4. Does this make the crate drop in random locations? Or is it just random times?
  5. It makes the crate drop at a random time which results in more randomized drop locations, as it might drop it as it's flying over a lake, or a mountain, or at a monument it doesn't normally drop it at.
  6. Ah ok, thank you
  7. Works well thanks
  8. @shinnova I have a custom map and the randomizer has a tendency to drop the crate in the sea, can you tweak it to check for land above sea level or something similar, thanks
  9. That's not a bad idea, I'll add that as an optional thing!
  10. p.s. checking for layer will be great idea i think
  11. @shinnova Can the crate also get a nobuild/nodeploy zone around it when it lands as people are building around it since it isnt landing in monuments :) Alternatively give the option to create custom drop locations, please.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018