1. Hi All

    Has anyone found a way to reduce the respawn timer/bypass the minimum 10 sec time?

  2. Try
    GameManager.Instance.ServerConfig.RespawnTimeCooldownIncrement = 5f;
    For 5 second.
  3. Thnks Russo, tested but unfortunately not - i think that only controls the "additional" cooldown related to the stakes, same for the CooldownSpeed.

    I have found..
    Singleton<RespawnTimer>.Start() forces 10f

    I've had a look at setting RespawnTime in EEntityFluidEffectType but this again only adds to the timer (min 10 sec)
  4. Look at EntityStatsBuilderPlayer:710. The first parameter in the StandardEntityEffect constructor is a the starting value, and there is a fluid construction of the minimum value at 711.
  5. cowtrix you're amazing ty, hadn't looked at EntityStatsBuilderPlayer ! :)

    If anyone is interested or comes along looking for the answer...

    session.WorldPlayerEntity.GetComponent<EntityStats>().AddFluidEffect(EEntityFluidEffectType.RespawnTime, (new StandardEntityFluidEffect(3f, Singleton<GameManager>.Instance.ServerConfig.RespawnTimeCooldownSpeed)).MinValue(3f).MaxValue(3f).SetResetOnSpawn(false));
  6. Anyone know how to make it 3-5 seconds with no increased based on amount of deaths or whatever cause it to increase?