Hurtworld Build anywhere

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by xMikazuky, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. So that admins do not have any kind of restriction, how to build in certain places, and other restrictions!
  2. Is it possible to give admins the ability to overide building in places where it says no building? It would help to make some ramps near aircraft carrier to get the loot crates that are in the upper deck of the very top of the ship.
  3. would it be possible to make version of the rust build plugin for hurtworld so u can do like /build foundation force build it on etc
  4. Do you mean to build in the NoBuild zones or to build in already claimed areas?
  5. no like the build plugin on rust so u can do like /build fondation and force build a foundation onto another one where u cant nromally build
  6. It would require a plugin so that the admin can build on the roads ^^
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please use the Plugin Requests forum section in the future and make sure to use descriptive titles.