1. Hello,

    I use this system cooldown and I have a few questions.
    1. What happens with the time of cooldown if the server is crash/off. Is it reset then?
    2. Is it possible to read how much time is left?

    using System.Collections.Generic; //Using directive containing the HashSet classnamespace Oxide.Plugins //Namespace where plugins must go
        [Info("TestPlugin", "JoeSheep", "1.0.0")]
        [Description("A Test Plugin.")]
        class TestPlugin : RustPlugin
            HashSet<ulong> Cooldowns = new HashSet<ulong>(); //Create our list to store the players currently in cooldown
            const string Perm = "TestPlugin.test"; //Create the permission        void OnServerInitialized()
                permission.RegisterPermission(Perm, this); //Register the permission when the server initializes
            }        [ChatCommand("test")] //Create the chat command to do the following
            void cmdTestCommand(BasePlayer player, string cmd)
                if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, Perm)) //Check if the player has the permission "Perm"
                    if (!Cooldowns.Contains(player.userID)) //Check if the player is listed in the HashSet "Cooldowns", if not continue
                        Cooldowns.Add(player.userID); //Add the player to the Cooldowns HashSet so they cannot run the command again until removed
                        timer.Once(10, () => Cooldowns.Remove(player.userID)); //Create and start a timer for 10 seconds, when it expires remove the player from the Cooldowns HashSet
                        SendReply(player, "Test command."); //Send a chat message to the player saying "Test command."
                        SendReply(player, "Cooldown in effect."); //If the player is in the Cooldowns HashSet send this chat message to them
                    SendReply(player, "You do not have permission to run this command"); //If the player doesn't have the permission Perm then send this chat message to them
    I rewrite this code to Hurtworld :D

    Sorry for my English :)

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, the time would be reset unless you store it in a datafile or database. No, you cannot really read how much time is left with a timer unless you store that somewhere as well.