7 Days to Die Zone manager

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by rocco, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Hello,

    Title says all, if the game have Zone Manager plugin (similar like in Rust) it will increase much the possibilities in the game.

  2. I need some code that would be admin permission, that would, save the players (admins) position and trigger command inside a certain range.

    the end result would be creating a PVE zone inside of all PVP maps.

    im novice with c# at best so syntax gets me without having good examples to copy/edit.

    so what i want to say to the console is:

    on command "savezone" save player(admin) position.( im thinking a vector2 so height is irrelevant)

    then attach a range modifier 130f (im guessing a float would be needed even though 7days coords are all ints? or would range then be an int as well?)

    then: if player(player) is inside this zone, on event (player kills player, or player damages player, or whatever event hook available to use as triggers)

    then: waitforseconds run console command "tele {EntityID} 0 -1 0"(or whatever console command desired) every amounofseconds for thismanyseconds can be triggered every thismanyseconds.

    Ill be trying to sort it out myself, but if anyone is able to do this with less effort then i can, that would be great, and the 7daystodie plugins area is pretty bare so your plugin would get alot of attention.

    thanks in advance