1. I writen a wizard for beginner plugins
    But my English is poor
    Many words I don't know how to translate it correctly.

    Here is the general message:
    private Dictionary<string, string> message = new Dictionary<string, string>
                {"Continue", "继续,你还需要采集{0}个【{1}】"},    //continue to gather ?? of ?? resource.
                {"Graduation", "恭喜您,新手教学已完成"},  //words of graduation from wizard
                {"Welcome", "欢迎来到Rust,下面将指引您进行游戏"},  //welcome words
                {"Skip", "您已跳过新手教学"}, // show you are skip the wizard
                {"Tip", "服务器装有教学插件,回复指令【/wizard】查看当前步骤"},  //tip of say .wizard to see what step currently
                {"Reloaded", "教学插件数据重载成功"}, //wizard data reloaded
                {"Saved", "教学插件数据保存成功"}//wizard data saved
    Here is the wizard steps:
    Start is step starting words
    End is step ending words
    //1. Teach beginner to gather wood
    //Teach beginner to user keyboard "1" to use Rock
    //Hold left mouse to gather wood when face to wood
    //If not beginner reply /wizard.skip to skip wizard
    //Say something good to beginner
    {"GatherWood", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Gather,
        Target = "wood",
        Count = 500,
        Start = new string[]{
            "您的工具栏1是【石头 Rock】,用【石头 Rock】可以【采集资源】,请先去采集【木头 Wood】",
        }, //
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "GatherStone"
    //2. Teach beginner to gather stone
    //Tell beginner to gather 250 of stone
    //Say wood and stone are importans resources
    //Especially building house
    {"GatherStone", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Gather,
        Target = "stones",
        Count = 250,
        Start = new string[]{
            "接下来请去采集250个【石头 Stones】",
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "CraftStoneHatchet"
    //3.Teach beginner to craft Stone Hatchet
    //The step to craft Stone Hatchet
    //Tell beginner to gather something to save time when he is crafting
    {"CraftStoneHatchet", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Craft,
        Target = "stone hatchet",
        Start = new string[]{
            "很好,下面请制造一个【石斧 Stone Hatchet】",
            "鼠标左键点击【Stone Hatchet】制作石斧",
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "GetStoneHatchet"
    //4.Nothing, Just get a Stone Hatchet when carfting finished
    //Tell beginner use hatchets to gather woods is better
    {"GetStoneHatchet", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Get,
        Target = "stone hatchet",
        Start = new string[]{
        End = new string[]{
            "很好,你获得了一个【石斧 Stone Hatchet】,用【斧类 Hatchet】工具采集【树木 Wood】会更快"
        NextStep = "CraftStonePickAxe"
    //5.Craft Stone Pick Axe
    //Teach beginner to craft it
    //Same with craft Stone Hatchet
    {"CraftStonePickAxe", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Craft,
        Target = "stone pick axe",
        Start = new string[]{
           "下面请制造一个【石镐 Stone Pick Axe】",
           "鼠标左键点击【Stone Pick Axe】制作石斧"
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "GetStonePickAxe"
    //Tell beginner use axes to gather stone is better
    //And tools have their durability
    {"GetStonePickAxe", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Get,
        Target = "stone pick axe",
        Start = new string[]{
        End = new string[]{
            "很好,你获得了一个【石镐 Stone Pick Axe】,用【镐类 Axe】工具采集【石头 Stone】会更快",
        NextStep = "CraftPaper"
    //Gather woods
    {"CraftPaper", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Craft,
        Target = "paper",
        Start = new string[]{
            "下面请制造一张【纸 Paper】",
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "GetPaper"
    //Use paper can craft a Building Plan
    {"GetPaper", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Get,
        Target = "paper",
        Start = new string[]{
        End = new string[]{
            "很好,你获得了一张【纸 Paper】,用纸可以造出建筑设计图"
        NextStep = "CraftBuildingPlan"
    //Craft Building Plan
    //Continue to gather woods
    {"CraftBuildingPlan", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Craft,
        Target = "building plan",
        Start = new string[]{
            "下面请制造一张【建筑设计图 Building Plan】",
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "GetBuildingPlan"
    //Say use Building Plan can create buildings
    {"GetBuildingPlan", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Get,
        Target = "building plan",
        Start = new string[]{
        End = new string[]{
            "很好,你获得了一张【建筑设计图 Building Plan】,用【建筑设计图】可以造出【建筑】"
        NextStep = "BuildFoundation"
    //11.Build Foundation
    //Teach beginner to build a Foundation
    //Say every building is base on Foundation
    {"BuildFoundation", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Build,
        Target = "foundation",
        Start = new string[]{
            "下面请把【建筑设计图】放到【工具栏】,用建筑设计图建造出一个【地基 Foundation】"
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "BuildWall1"
    //12.Build Wall
    //How to switch building mode to wall
    {"BuildWall1", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Build,
        Target = "wall",
        Start = new string[]{
            "请切换至【墙 Wall】并在地基上建造【3面墙】"
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "BuildWall2"
    //13.Build 2st wall
    //build 2nd wall
    {"BuildWall2", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Build,
        Target = "wall",
        Start = new string[]{
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "BuildWall3"
    //14.Build 3rd wall
    //build 3rd wall
    //Good, wall can keep animals away
    {"BuildWall3", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Build,
        Target = "wall",
        Start = new string[]{
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "BuildDoorway"
    //15.Build Doorway
    //Please to build doorawy
    {"BuildDoorway", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Build,
        Target = "doorway",
        Start = new string[]{
            "请在地基上建造【门墙 Doorway】"
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "BuildDoor"
    //16.Build door
    //Please to build door
    //Wall and door is done
    //But lost a lock
    {"BuildDoor", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Build,
        Target = "door",
        Start = new string[]{
            "请在地基上建造【门 Door】"
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "DeployLock"
    //17.Deploy Lock
    //System is sending a lock to beginner
    //Use it to door
    //Suggest beginner stay in house when offline and why?
    //Lock is done
    {"DeployLock", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Deploy,
        Target = "lock",
        Give = "lock",
        GiveAmount = 1,
        Start = new string[]{
            "现在系统赠送了您一个【锁头 Lock】",
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "GetKey"
    //18.Get a key
    //press E to lock to get a key
    //Say this key is only to this lock
    //And what lock use for??
    {"GetKey", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Get,
        Target = "door key",
        Start = new string[]{
            "现在对着【锁头】按【E】获取一把【钥匙 Key】"
        End = new string[]{
            "很好,你获得了这扇门的一把【钥匙 Door Key】",
        NextStep = "UpgradeBuilding"
    //19.Upgrade building
    //System give a Hammer to beginner
    //Use it to upgrade Foundation
    //How to upgrade?
    //Say we used to upgrade Foundation first and why
    //What do we get after upgrade
    //Hammer can fix building, and how to ?
    {"UpgradeBuilding", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Upgrade,
        Target = "foundation",
        Give = "hammer",
        GiveAmount = 1,
        Start = new string[]{
            "现在系统赠送了你一把【木槌 Hammer】,请使用【木椎 Hammer】对【地基 Foundation】进行【升级】",
            "用【木槌】对着建筑物按【右键】,选择【Upgrade to Wood】同时按【左键】",
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "DrinkWater"
    //20.Drink Water
    //System give a water and drink it.
    //What water used to
    {"DrinkWater", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Use,
        Target = "small water bottle",
        Give = "small water bottle",
        GiveAmount = 1,
        Start = new string[]{
            "系统赠送了你一瓶【水 Small Water Bottle】,请喝掉它"
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "DeployCampFire"
    //21.Deploy Camp Fire
    //System give a Camp Fire to beginner
    //Use it
    //Camp can recover hp
    //Camp will burn player when close to it
    //Hold E to it to open menu
    {"DeployCampFire", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Deploy,
        Target = "camp fire",
        Give = "camp fire",
        GiveAmount = 1,
        Start = new string[]{
            "系统赠送了你一个【营火 Camp Fire】,请使用它"
        End = new string[]{
        NextStep = "GetCookedWolfMeat"
    //22.Cook meat
    //System give two Raw Wolf Meat
    //Take it into campfire
    //raw to cooked by time
    //cooked to burned by time
    //bring it before burned
    //get cooked wolf meat
    {"GetCookedWolfMeat", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Get,
        Target = "cooked wolf meat",
        Give = "raw wolf meat",
        GiveAmount = 2,
        Start = new string[]{
            "现在系统赠送了你两块【生狼肉 Raw Wolf Meat】",
            "请打开营火物品栏,把生狼肉放进去,并【点燃 Fire】营火",
            "请在烤焦之前从营火物品栏内拿出【熟狼肉 Cooked Wolf Meat】"
        End = new string[]{
            "很好,你获得了【熟狼肉 Cooked Wolf Meat】"
        NextStep = "EatCookedWolfMeat"
    //23.Eat meat
    /Eat cooked wolf meat
    //what meat used to
    {"EatCookedWolfMeat", new WizardStep{
        Type = WizardType.Use,
        Target = "cooked wolf meat",
        Start = new string[]{
            "现在请吃掉【熟狼肉 Cooked Wolf Meat】"
        End = new string[]{
    I write something in English
    Is anybody can write step words?
    If you have any idea to steps, welcome
  2. Code:
    private Dictionary<string, string> message = new Dictionary<string, string>
                {"Continue", "Gathered {0} of {1}, keep going!"},    //continue to gather ?? of ?? resource.
                {"Graduation", "You are doing well!"},  //words of graduation from wizard
                {"Welcome", "Welcome to the Rust, survivor"},  //welcome words
                {"Skip", "Skipping education"}, // show you are skip the wizard
                {"Tip", "Write /wizard to see your current task"},  //tip of say .wizard to see what step currently
                {"Reloaded", "Education Wizzard reloaded"}, //wizard data reloaded
                {"Saved", "Wizzard data saved"}//wizard data saved
    Great idea! As soon as i'll have more time i'll translate 2nd and 3rd part.
  3. Thanks for your help
    I'm upload this plugin then you can test it~

    Attached Files: