1. Hi, i am just learning to make plugins and cant seem to find a listing of all the possible functions you can use.

    i.e player.inventory.strip();

    is there some javadoc type resource?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Most of what is available is found by decompiling the Rust DLLs.
  3. Ahh okay do you guys use IDA pro, or is there a recommended way to browse around?
  4. You can just create empty VS project, add all required refference, and get pretty cool developing ground for your plugins.
    Also you can create post-build event with copying it to test server (if it's local):
    for %%f in ($(ProjectDir)*.cs) do (
    if not %%f == $(ProjectDir)Program.cs xcopy %%f "O:\Games\SteamCMD\ftp\server\Rust_Planet\oxide\plugins" /Y /Q