1. I downloaded and installed "Oxide" the correct way and have put "CheckInventory + Kits" into the Plugins folder located in;


    I run the server and it just says "Unknown Command" can anyone help me please, I'm noob at this and really want to learn how to do this so I can continue on with my server please and thank you! :)
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Check your saves/oxide/logs for errors, and make sure that Oxide is actually installed by using the "/version" command in the chat. More than likely, Oxide isn't actually installed.
  3. First of all thanks for the fast response.

    After typing /version in-game chat the message "(Oxide Version: 2.0.1992, Reign of Kings version: Alpha 17)

    However the logs,

  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You seem to be missing CSharpCompiler.exe. Please install all files in the latest Oxide download, and try again. If you are installing Oxide via FTP, make sure your host allows you to upload exes, else you'd need to contact them to install it.

    Also, your saves/oxide/data/oxide.users.json file seems to be corrupt. Verify it using jsonlint.com, correct any mistakes with it as pointed out by the site, then try to avoid improper shutdowns or manual edits to the file.