1. Hey so I have a website. www.rustyrosgaming.com and I'm trying to find out how to link donations through PayPal to a kit in rust. Also if anyone knowa how I track the steam ID of people who donate? And lastly how can I setup a VIP kit that is only for a certain group
  2. There isn't a plugin that directly links from your website, to automatically executes a command, (I believe donation rewards is somewhat similar, but not the same). How ever you can make a basic forum and manually add them to the group. If you don't already have ranks set up you can download BetterChat, (Make sure you look in the FAQ for all commands). And lastly you can give permissions to groups to use certain commands when using the kits plugin. /kit edit name, if you already made it. Next you can type /kit permission <name>, I recommend putting a name you can remember to make are you're organized. You can go into console and grant the permission to a player, I recommend using their steam ID, which you can get from Steam I:O if you do it this way. Or, you can do the easier way by adding the permission to the group through BetterChat, so when they're added to the group they automatically have the perms to use the kits.
  3. If you have played on a server that allows for kits for example Rusty 3x etc. The owner of this server claims to have wrote his own plugin, you will have to take a few plugins and figure out the language to make this work. The owner generates a code based off of his plugin that is steamid specific. Once the code is used, only that steamid can claim the kit.
  4. Okay that is easy to do with simple permissions, I'm not sure why he'd code his own plugin. If you do want to integrate with your website though, you can code a plugin if you have coding knowledge. Otherwise, you can hire a developer, but that's not cheap.
  5. Use a PHP rcon class, they are 100's around. Then get an IPN that executes a command via rcon when a donation has been sent.

    Is this kind of standalone script really that hard to come by?
  6. It is very complicated integrating a system making sure the buyer did not back charge, unless you chose to do it manually.
  7. Charge backs happen even with a manual system.
    I can create a simple rcon+paypal IPN system if people really want it.
  8. That would be amazing, and thank you ahead of time if you are able to do this.