1. Right. So I noticed recently that the CCTV worldmodel was added. And you can clearly see it when dropped on the ground. Is there a way to spawn this item manually similar to how you can spawn something like a semiauto or something around those lines? Prefabs down below ;)

    [Prefab Grabber] Listing prefabs with the name of: camera
    [Prefab Grabber] [1]:assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/gestures/cameratakescreenshot.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [2]:assets/bundled/prefabs/system/debug/debug_camera.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [3]:assets/content/developer/calibration/calibrationscene/prefabs/cameras.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [4]:assets/content/properties/lootspawn/generated/items/res/cctv.camera.asset
    [Prefab Grabber] [5]:assets/content/properties/lootspawn/generated/items/tool/tool.camera.asset
    [Prefab Grabber] [6]:assets/content/properties/lootspawn/rareparts/cctv_camera.asset
    [Prefab Grabber] [7]:assets/prefabs/effects/local camera particles/camfx_dust.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [8]:assets/prefabs/effects/local camera particles/camfx_rain.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [9]:assets/prefabs/effects/local camera particles/camfx_sand.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [10]:assets/prefabs/effects/local camera particles/camfx_snow.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [11]:assets/prefabs/engine/main camera.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [12]:assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/sound/focus-camera.asset
    [Prefab Grabber] [13]:assets/prefabs/resource/cctv camera/cctv_camera.item.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [14]:assets/prefabs/resource/cctv camera/cctv_camera.worldmodel.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [15]:assets/prefabs/tools/camera/camera.item.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [16]:assets/prefabs/tools/camera/camera.worldmodel.prefab
    [Prefab Grabber] [17]:assets/prefabs/tools/camera/tool_camera.prefab
  2. Hit F1 and it's under resources. :l
  3. I think the OP means in a plugin sense he wants to spawn the worldmodel into the world, not just regularly spawn the item to someones inventory
  4. Yeah. Exactly ;)
  5. Any way to Spwanear the object that way?
  6. 2017-09-25_11-24-49.png
    This code will spawn CCTV camera on Player position after using spawnCCTV.
  7. Could you tell me your GetComponent?
    For example...
    public Signage entity;
    entity = GetComponent<Signage>();
  8. Client console ;)
    spawnitem cctv.camera
    game related code
    // ConVar.Entity
    [ServerVar(Name = "spawnitem")]
    public static string svspawnitem(string name, Vector3 pos)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            return "No entity name provided";
        string[] array = (from x in global::ItemManager.itemList
        select x.shortname into x
        where x.Contains(name, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)
        select x).ToArray<string>();
        if (array.Length == 0)
            return "Entity type not found";
        if (array.Length > 1)
            string text = array.FirstOrDefault((string x) => string.Compare(x, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
            if (text == null)
                return "Unknown entity - could be:\n\n" + string.Join("\n", array);
            array[0] = text;
        global::Item item = global::ItemManager.CreateByName(array[0], 1, 0uL);
        if (item == null)
            return "Couldn't spawn " + name;
        item.CreateWorldObject(pos, default(Quaternion));
        return string.Concat(new object[]
            "spawned ",
            " at ",