1. I set it up with Reign of Kings and now when I go to set it up the same way with hurtworld I get an error
    on anything like this
        [Info("blah", "blah", 1, ResourceId = 0)]
    I was wondering if it was an error because I didn't have oxide.core imported but when I imported it I still have that error.

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you are seeing errors, then you're missing references.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  4. What a legend! Thanks man :)
  5. Just add all DLLs from the Managed Folder
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you want to have a bloated project file. ;)
  7. Exactly what I was trying to avoid.

    One problem though, I tried to use

    and now everything that had color just displays the color tags in raw chat, (even the title in console)

    any clue?
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Use Oxide's library functions, you don't need to call that directly.
  9. Don't You mean hurt.BroadcastChat("message"); ???
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Ah yes, I was mixing Covalence with library functions. If using Covalence, it would be server.Broadcast("message").
  11. I want to Spawn an item in front of the player which called the function over chat. How is this possible? Does the Client need to perform the Console command? Does the server need to spawn the entity (Roach) in front of the player?

    Is there a prefab list?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    See List of item IDs and names | Oxide. I'd recommend creating your own thread if you need further help, as your question isn't related to this thread.
  13. Is there a tutorial explaning how to set your VS to operate with Hurtworld? I wonder what it feels like...
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Pretty much any tutorial on setting up a project with references should work fine. It's not any different than any other Visual Studio project. Create a project, add references, and you should be good to go. Examples: lukespragg/oxide-plugins · GitHub
  15. Thanks, going to learn to!
  16. Hi,

    Maybe this can be helpful for setting up VS with Hurtworld
    1. Once you have loaded up the IDE, go in File -> New -> Project, select Templates -> Visual C#, select "Class Library", enter your plugin name, for example, "TestPlugin", and press OK
    2. Then on the right side, open "Solution Explorer", expand the References section, select all but "Analyzers", then rightclick and remove.
    3. Rightclick on References, press add, press Browse and go to your hurtworld server directory, for example, "E:\HurtworldDedicated_Data\Managed", and select all of the .dll files except for "mscorlib.dll", "System.Core.dll" and "System.Data.dll".
    For me working fine with autocomplete and all necessary things.

  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    All DLLs are a bit unnecessary; you'd mainly want the Assembly-CSharp.dll, UnityEngine.dll, Oxide.Core.dll, and Oxide.Game.Hurtworld.dll.
  18. Thank you guys! ;)
  19. And Oxide.Ext.CSharp too.