1. How does one set the Steam Profile Image in Rust for a Chat Message that is for a Covalence/Universal chat plugin?

    Reference Code -------> Universal - Ignore chat | Oxide
    IPlayer .Message() and/or .Chat() functions

    Will that require using Rust specific functions? and adding some sort of if/else to check if the plugin is running on Rust?

    #if RUST
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd have to use a Rust-specific method to set it, it's not a universal feature and is unique to Rust.
  3. Is it possible to run code specifically for Rust from a Universal plugin?
    How would one go about doing this?

    I saw this in BetterChat:
    #if RUST
                ConsoleNetwork.BroadcastToAllClients("chat.add", new object[] { player.Id, output.Chat });
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That would be one way, though you do not need the new object [] { } wrapped around it.