1. So i'm not sure whats going on but i've been sitting here for quite a while now waiting for the server to start up if was working fine before it only took about 1 minute till it started up then after i installed some more plugins for the server and when i tried to start it up 30mins later it just does this: (Image at the bottom 'SeverStartUp)

    and nothing happens i was wondering if the new plugins i added is effecting the server?
    (Bottom Image 'ServerPlugins')

    Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks! :)

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    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2017
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Check your RustDedicated_Data/output_log.txt for errors.
  3. I checked the RustDedicated_Data file there was no output_log.txt but afterwards i went to my 'server' folder and went to Log.Error.TXT and it had this when i opened it up (txt below) so i tried installed the things that it said it was missing but it still didn't work so i deleted all the mods that had these errors but it STILL didn't work :(

    But there is aslo another .txt i found in oxide > logs i was wondering is this has anything to do with it (image below)

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    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2017
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you see no output_log.txt, then you have that log located somewhere else set by the -logfile startup parameter.
  5. Wait so what does that mean?
  6. Okay nvm now i have a new problem :( i was fiddling around when i decided to finally make a new server but this time when i download Oxide and extract everything from the folder there is no "oxide" folder or plugins and i checked my_server and still nothing (image below) please help (Also i thought if i started up the server the folder would appear but i still got nothing only 3 files)

    Attached Files:

  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If there is no oxide folder in the root, then Oxide has not been installed correctly, the server hasn't been started yet with it, or you have +oxide.directory set to another location.