1. As the title really. For some reason, for the last week and a half, my server will crash randomly every 10 mins or so. I recieve emails from reignofkings.net saying my server is online, then 10mins (ish) sometimes a little longer I get an email saying it is offline. Then it will be offline until I get home, hours later to close the error pop up and restart the server.
    So far, I have removed every plugin and relinsalled, still hte same.

    Any ideas????

    The only real error msg in the console that I can see is

    [Oxide] 8:48 AM [Warning} Found old game extension 'Oxide.Ext.ReignOfKings.dll' Please remove it!
  2. RayzR, hop on the RoK Server Owners chat. I can take a look for you.
  3. Well, The error says it all. You have an old version. Do you have the latest version of oxide?

    @Wulf Would know more.
  4. That error is at the beginning of the log. From what I saw, there was no errors leading up to the shutdown.
  5. You host your own server? And what version of oxide do you have?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You have both Oxide.Game.ReignOfKings.dll and Oxide.Ext.ReignOfKings.dll installed. It shouldn't cause any issues, but I'd recommend removing the Oxide.Ext.ReignOfKings.dll as the warning suggests. The former is the new DLL name.

    Also, please upload your latest logs from the /logs folder as well as the latest Oxide log from saves/oxide/logs.