1. Here is my server.cfg file: (I have taken out my rcon pass for security)

    rcon.password ""
    server.hostname "Rox 'N' Cox|PVP,5x Gather,Tp,HomeSet,Arena,MassLoot,P250Starter"
    server.pvp true
    sleepers.on true
    airdrop.min_players 1
    player.backpackLockTime "0"
    falldamage.enabled false
    crafting.instant true
    conditionloss.armorhealthmult "0"
    conditionloss.damagemultiplier "0"

    When ever I restart my server the backpack lock time and instant crafting work but the durability and fall damage do not work. I have to manually go in the f1 console in game and add the cmds that do not work!!
    Please Help