Solved Restrict names

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Sensation, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Is there any chance to port this plugin from rust ? Thanks!
  2. I wonder if there is any way to block one specific name , which functions as the BAN, when the player with the name try to get a message will appear stating that the name ( nick ) chosen is not allowed on the server.
  3. You could just use Reserved Names if you are wanting to restrict the players from using another's name.

    If you want to restrict a certain name entirely, you could just use the CanClientLogin hook and do if(session.Name == "Name here") { whatever you want...;}
  4. I have no knowledge to develop plugins . If there is any possibility you make a simple plugin to block certain names , I am very grateful.
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin