1. I looked into removing a blueprint from a player recently and wasn't able to find a way. Not sure it's even possible.
  2. Yeah. Sadly, I don't have a windows machine... I play on Linux... so I can't run a server to test anything without renting one. So anything I tried would be on my live server. Once they have the Linux server available I am looking forward to toying around with modding. :)
  3. Thats funny, i was playing with that variable, but it had errors in Visual studio, so i tought it wouldn't be possible. In this case i can do the blueprint plugin easy. Will play with it now.
  4. The "blueprints" class or whatever it is has a "learn" function but no "unlearn" function. It doesn't seem to be a collection or array either, despite it's name suggesting it might be... so there is no .remove or anything useful in there that I could find.
  5. Yeah that was the first thing i noticed, but blueprint eraser plugin uses the same command as the Oxide/Rust uses to learn blueprints, so its possible to change the blueprints for each player :p
  6. Hey just realise some people like this idea !


    I maybe find a way to remove some blueprint

    "Save" all BP learn: N°1,4,13,19

    Which BP want to be removed? : 4

    Reset BP from Player (All)

    Put back all BP Save exept which one i want to remove: 4
  7. I've found the exactly way to do this last week, but you can't remove the default blueprint, so its useless for me.
  8. Thanks for news :eek:

    Sad to know this !

    Even can you do a plugins for that ?

    - Happen when you die
    - % =/= for each kind of death (Fire, Weapon, Self, Water, ...)
    - For each death you get random % to lose 1 of your BP (which on you can lose)
    - Maybe settint to choose :"Can lose Weapon BP", "Can lose Ammo BP", "Can lose ... BP", ...

    That will be really great :eek: