1. Having problems with servers connecting to steam. My hardware firewall settings:
    HTTP, HTTPS, DNS to, Rust game ports, Rust RCON ports.
    All the rest

    The problem is that, when i start/restart the server, its randomly aren't connecting to steam auth servers. Players got kicked with "Steam Auth Timeout". I can fix that only if i restart the server. Also running steam client + restarting the server might help. Any idea?
  2. If this is Linux make sure you're saving your iptables on restart otherwise it'll revert itself. If this were, in fact, an issue with your ports being closed players wouldn't be able to connect period so I'm going to call this one an overly aggressive firewall. Disable it for now and see if this doesn't solve your time out problem.
  3. Its hardware firewall of the hosting's datacenter. Settings were saved ofc. Also im on windows, withthout any protection. Maybe will try disabling, but thats will be not an easy action, because tech support will do everything: disable, then enable everything back. Right now i have steam client with rust game running (on the rdp, yes), and everything is fine. Too much of troubles with servers lately, so will try again later to close rust client and restart the servers. And i still hope that somebody knows port or protocol, which steam is using for connecting clients to auth...

    Maybe just coincedence, but 2 times in a row, that was strange
  4. Omg this has been happening to me all week ! I am using LOW.ms on a dedicated server and it’s been driving me nuts . Is there any possible solution ?
  5. Ok, i have closed the steam and again the same problem. Also i have noticed, that rust server is every time listening to a random port (besides game port and rcon port), so the best solution here is to disable such agressive firewall rules.