1. is there any permission for donators or vips ?
  2. Do you want to give permission for VIP kits? Do you have kits created? Details
  3. yes i have kits downloaded and set up
  4. First you need to create a VIP group, this will allow you to add and remove users as you wish. Next you will want to grant the permission that you have set in your kit to the group you created. All users in this group will now have the kit. You can also do this with any other permission from other plugins

    For more information on using the groups / permission system, this tutorial is helpful -> Using Oxide's permission system | Oxide
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2017
  5. I must understand that you have created some VIP kits and want to give these kits only to people who have paid for it?
    You must create the kits
    Kit add "VIP"
    Kit description "Only vip" and creates the cooldown max and the second permission kits.vipkit
    Example: kit description "only vips" max 30 cooldown 999 items permission kits.vipkit
    Then in console you must put the steam id of the vip and give him permissions
    Oxide.grant user "steamid" kits.vipkit
    To remove the permissions oxide.revoke user "steamid" kits.vipkit

    You must set the cooldown max and the time you want for the kitvip