1. I would really like to see Rust return to its roots in terms of gather and craft recipie values. Back in Legacy when cutting down trees you would earn 1 wood every hit (with rock), but in current Rust you get 10 per hit (vanilla). Its still the same gameplay i guess but for some reason they changed the numbers.

    Same thing for crafting. In Legacy a campfire took 5 wood to craft, but in new Rust it takes 100 wood to craft a campfire.

    So for new Rust it would be regular for people to have 5000 wood or 10,000 stone. On modded servers the gather rate is increased so people might even have massive amount of resources like 40k stone or something.

    So my main point here is that would the smaller Legacy style numbers improve game performance either server side or whatever. Is the amount in the players inventory dragging the game performance down?
  2. on that note is there a plugin to change the craft recipie required amount?
  3. The only major difference performance wise of changing your gather rate would be that people would not be able to build as many large structures. As for changing crafting amounts, check out this CraftUI for Rust | Oxide, it is probably your best bet. Apart from that, you can change the required amount to craft things on the servers side, but it will still stay the same for the client. Not sure if there are any public plugins that do this though.
  4. thanks. i think this plugin is what im looking for.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017