Solved No server.cfg?

Discussion in 'Rust Discussion' started by -BWL- Bay, May 8, 2015.

  1. I'm just dorking around with a Rust server for me and some friends, and I've got it all working with Oxide and some plugins.
    Except there is no server config file.
    I've tried server.writecfg, and it says it writes, but everytime I restart the server the hostname and playercount, etc go back to the default values.
    How can I fix this?

    Here is my startup:
    RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.port 28015 -cfg bwl.cfg +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password "OMITTED" +server.maxplayers 24 -load
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Rust Experimental doesn't listen for the -cfg argument like Legacy did. The config has to be manually created in a "cfg" folder under your root server directory. That the only location that Rust loads it from, despite there being a server.cfg and serverauto.cfg under server/identity/cfg.
  3. Ah. Is there somewhere I might find a template for said config file?
    Again, thank you for all your help.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Just place command-line options or server settings in the file one per line.
  5. And what could I enter to make the world save? It's being reset every time the server does... I can't seem to find the setting for it.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You aren't using -load in your startup parameters, that's why it's resetting.

    The server automatically saves, but you can change the save interval with server.saveinterval 300.
  7. It is part of the parameters I'm using. I just reset the server and haven't given it a chance to save so I assume that's it.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1431044975][/DOUBLEPOST]Hmm... Even after manually saving it still regenerates on restart.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1431060493,1431044064][/DOUBLEPOST]Suddenly fixed itself... Odd.
  8. Hmm. I dont get it. My shortcut points to C:\rustServers\RustDedicated.exe -batchmode -load -cfg 28015.cfg
    I made a cfg folder in C:\rustServershave and in it a 28015.cfg file with things like:

    server.maxplayers 100
    server.seed 8834
    server.worldsize 4000
    server.port 28015
    server.hostname "BAS [ENG/NL]"
    server.identity "Bas"

    But it wont load the cfg?
    also tried C:\rustServers\RustDedicated.exe -batchmode -load -cfg \cfg\28015.cfg

    I need to use the cfg, because my startup parameters are too long, they dont fit in the shortcut 'target' textinput any more.
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Rust doesn't use or even look for that -cfg parameter, it only looks for a cfg file under cfg/server.cfg as previously mentioned. Both the cfg folder and the server.cfg file have to be manually created.
  10. I still cant get it to work.
    I have a C:\rustServers\cfg\server.cfg
    with in it only 1 line:
    server.seed 8834

    My shortcut points to
    C:\rustServers\RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.port 28015

    But when I start up the server does not use seed 8834 ??
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The seed is something that has to be set before that file is loaded as far as I know, so you'd need to use the command-line. If you or your host already has a setting in the command-line, that same setting is ignored in server.cfg.
  12. Ah ok, I got it to work. Turns out the minimum in the shortcut is:
    C:\rustServers\RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.seed 8834 +server.identity "YourIdentity"
    Without the batchmode set the client will start, not the server
    You also have to give the server.identity and server.seed here, not in the config file
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2015
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You actually don't even need server.identity, as it defaults to "my_server_identity" if not specified.
  14. Want to share my "server.cfg" :D

    @echo off
    set SRV_Params=
    for /f "delims=" %%i in (_servercfg.txt) do set SRV_Params=!SRV_Params! +%%i
    RustDedicated -batchmode -server.identity "server1" -logFile "masterlog.txt" %SRV_Params% -load
    server.hostname "lululu"
    server.maxplayers 50 
  15. hello yesterday i bought a rust server but i cant login as admin and i couldnt find any cfg file in ftp files how can i fix this btw i cant logint with rusty even i write true values for settings
  16. Rust does not load the server.cfg file from the cfg folder created in the root no matter what I do.
    Nor does it load a server.cfg file if placed in server/servernamehere/cfg
    [DOUBLEPOST=1454932567][/DOUBLEPOST]I take my last post back, I now finally have it working.
    However my server.cfg is located in: Rust/server/yourservername/cfg/server.cfg

    Just need to create the server.cfg as it doesn't exist, you can just copy and pase serverauto.cfg, rename to just server.cfg and clear out the contents.
  17. Guys I Will Be Helping With This Might Take Alittle So Wait Plz
    [DOUBLEPOST=1458473722][/DOUBLEPOST]Guys I Have The Fix Just Copy And Paste This Batch File And Place it in your directory of you RustDedicated.exe Than Launch it it will give u options :D
    @echo off
    color 0Decho ──────────────────
    echo Welcome to My Menu
    echo ──────────────────
    timeout 3
    goto Main
    echo Server Name
    set /p Ser=
    GOTO Main1
    echo Enter An Amount For Max Players
    set /p Amount=
    GOTO Main2
    echo Enter Server Description
    echo Enter An Description For Your Server
    set /p Des=
    GOTO Main3
    echo Enter World Size
    echo NOT TO BIG IT WILL CRASH 1-10000
    set /p World=
    GOTO Main4
    echo Save Interval
    echo If you don't know what this means look it up plz
    set /p Save=
    GOTO Main5
    echo Rcon Password
    echo DONT GIVE OUT
    set /p Rcon=
    GOTO Main6
    echo Enter Server Seed
    set /p Seed=
    GOTO Main7:Main7
    GOTO End:End
    RustDedicated.exe +server.description "%Des%" +server.maxplayers "%Ammount%" +server.port 28015 +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.worldsize "%World%" +server.saveinterval "%Save%" +rcon.port 28016 -logfile "output.txt" +rcon.password"%Rcon%" -autoupdate +server.hostname "%Ser%" -batchmode +server.seed "%Seed%"  +server.identity "Time's Batch File Created Server"
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2016
  18. I've just purchased with streamline and I don't also have a server.cfg how would I add it?
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd simply make it manually. It isn't created by default in Rust.
  20. So I'd do that how? I'm a little new haha
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460075320][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, would my plugins not work in-til my server config is their?