Rust Ninja Life

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Miji, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. Rather than a straight request this is more of a suggestion, or Idea.

    I would love to see a Ninja themed server. But in order to achieve this there should be some Ninja related plugins. following is a list of the plugins I have already considered would be great for the theme.

    #0) - Ninja Ranks - this should work similar to ZLevels where the more you use the ninja techniques the greater the effect would be (and potentially you would need a ninja level of say 5 in order to use X ability).

    #1) - NeverDrown - If you have a pipe in your held inventory then you can stay underwater without drowning, The number of pipes should/could represent the depth you can dive before drowning

    #2) Kakurenbo no jutsu (hide) - I know there is already a hideandseek plugin, and that plugin would almost be perfect for this, however in order to use it as a "Ninja Theme Plugin" it would need some tweaks - to be made simpler.

    #3) Kawari no jutsu - (evade) - If the player has wood (or some other specific item) in their held inventory they can replace thier body with that item and teleport their body X meters away to safety.

    #4) Bunshin no jutsu (clone) - Use the HumanNPC plugin to spawn 1-5 clones of yourself and get them to scatter or follow your path giving you a meat sheild etc, the clones would auto die after X seconds (depends on your ninja level).

    I'm sure there are many others you guys can think of, so feel free to add to this list.. and I gaurantee if there is ever a ninja server I would play the shit out of it.

    > when any effect is used it should play the small smoke effect or something similar.
    > all jutsu (skills) should be keybind-able (but not forced).
    > Skills could cost hunger for activation (making candy canes the ultimate MP)
    > Unfortunately, we cant change the run speed, jump hight etc.. would be perfect for a ninja server.