1. Hello I was wondering if someone was able to walk me through or even be an admin on my server to help me make the server great and to teach me some tips on making the server right for the players. I enjoy having servers and i have owned quite a few in the past. But never owned a rust server until now. I hope to see someone help me out thank you.
  2. Who you hosting with?
  3. Well first decide if it going to be a pve or pvp server. Then make some rules for people to follow, especially if its pve. Also you need to decide if you want it to be modded or vanilla. If you decide you want plugins don't overdo it at the beginning just work on one plugin at a time to get the right balance.
  4. I want to do a pvp server but also make it a bit challenging. I am probably gonna make it 5x gathering and stacks to be 5x as well
    [DOUBLEPOST=1484514377][/DOUBLEPOST]HostHavoc is who i am hosting with
    [DOUBLEPOST=1484515337][/DOUBLEPOST]Resistance could you help me get some plugins set up? I would like to focus on some greetings when players join and the title screen when your joining the server.