1. Hello! So, I am trying to update VehicleManager for Hurtworld | Oxide to allow players to claim multiple vehicles. In the current state of the game when a player claim a 2ยช vehicle he will loose the claim on the first.

    I've been digging into the assembly and since the claims are stored like this:
    private SymmetricDictionary<PlayerIdentity, VehicleStatManager> _ownership;
    that means each player (PlayerIdentity) can only have one claim (VehicleStatManager).

    I can force-claim any vehicle (VehicleStatManager) by changing it's owner
    public PlayerIdentity Owner;
    so the vehicle won't be destroyed by decay. But when server restarts all "forced-claimed" vehicles will loose it's claim, because they're not on the dictionary.

    So... any ideas from your fabulous brains? Maybe I'm missing something, or it's really hard/impossible to claim multiple vehicles : (
  2. Hope it wil work
  3. Since the devs programmed it so harcdocded that its only possible to store one vehicle per session (in no other way)

    there is probably no workaround :/
  4. Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2016
  5. I've put onto my todo list to make this easier to extend. I'll try to remember to post back here when I get that done.
  6. Thanks cowtrix.