1. did the way admins and moderators being added to groups change with this update? because I know that I used to have to add all of us to the groups I wanted everyone in.

    I checked everything all files, and it says they are part of both groups after the update.

    I have a problem with moderatorid being added to the "admin" group when they are already a part of the "moderator" group that I added them to myself when I made them admins.
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There was a change made, but not really intentional. It was adding any auth level 1 and 2 users to admin, but I removed that in a commit and is current available a snapshot build.
  3. ok, thank you @Wulf. I'll update to it if its available through my host?
  4. Hello, so my friend is a moderator, I used the command in Console: moderatorid "ID"

    For some reason he is in the Admin Group, like Auth Lvl 2 I guess when he suppose to be in 1, Is there a reason for that, It happened after the rust update, I am using Oxide 2.0.3326 for 793 (1992.145.1).
  5. Thought you fixed that?
  6. Nope, I read the post you gave me but I don't see any new version that fixes it, like Wulf wrote that he knows about this issue and there's a snapshot up, not sure what that means.

    I'm using the latest oxide version but after a restart the moderator get's moved into the admin as in auth lvl 2.
  7. From what his post meant it was fixed in the last oxide version
  8. Oh, well I think It didn't.

    @Wulf Can you please check this out, I can only assume the latest build is still having this issue.

    PS: I am using the same plugins I had before the Rust+Oxide update and there was no issue like this, this is not a plugin issue as far as It seems, just a weird bug.
  9. Make a new group called Owner put all permissions into it then remove what permissions you need from the admin group this will be the same as him being a mod as his group will have the same permissions in it as the mod group does
  10. Sounds good, but do I need to make it in BetterChat plugin or by Oxide Groups, and how do you make new group for Oxide.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1497687008][/DOUBLEPOST]oxide.group add?
  11. There is what I'm dealing with, there's two groups types.

    Oxide Groups and BetterChat Groups.

    Why he keeps showing as 3 Stars as an Admin group It's called in BetterChat and not Moderator, It's like he keeps moving into the Admin.

    Attached Files:

  12. The problem seem to be from betterchat
  13. But how does it work there, I mean the groups doesn't have auth lvl or something so like why does he keep being in the "admin" group.

    Are you sure It's the plugin issue?
  14. well just try, when you remove usergroup and reload only betterchat, they are back in the group
  15. I've did everything I can think off man, he keeps moving into the Admin Rank, I mean like Auth lvl 2.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1497705800][/DOUBLEPOST]The Plugin Develoepr @LaserHydra replied only one time but that's it so I can't even check what's wrong, like he doesn't really helping me.
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    BetterChat does not control the permissions system, the issue was from Oxide and is fixed in the latest snapshot build (-SNAPSHOT) which is available from our primary download location: https://dl.bintray.com/oxidemod/builds/

    I'll be releasing a release for this fix shortly.
  17. Omg I should have known it earlier I was looking all day for a fix, I'll wait thank you so much for the reply.
  18. Should I wait for a release or download that Snapshot ?

    It's been few hours since you replied back so I don't know If it's going to take you a while to upload a release or just use the Snapshot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2017
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    A release build will be up in a few minutes, otherwise the snapshot will be the same.