1. Hey Wulf, i reload over 9000 times my plugin and i get "out of memory" exception.
    Can you fix this?
  2. Surely it’d be to do with your plugin not Oxide?
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Are you storing anything as static? If so, that persists.
  4. Why oxide do not full unload plugin?
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Static persists in C#.
  6. i dont use static, but reload 10times plugin take 10mb memory
  7. Can you post bare minimum code to reproduce the situation?
  8. I wrote my custom CSharpPluginLoader
    My CSharpPluginLoader (MyPlugin)
    Original Oxide CSharpPluginLoader (NoEscape)
    P.s. See column 'Память' (RAM)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2017
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    NoEscape has static references, so that would be a tainted test as I stated that static references are retained between reloads.

    I did a primitive test with a plugin and no static references and did notice 0-5mb increase each reload, but pretty trivial. Oxide is open source though, so if you ever feel like contributing it's there. Not sure what the purpose of writing your own plugin loader would serve.
  10. I will help oxide =>
    small hint - you should'nt use Assembly.Load
    more tips with that memory leak will not be