1. Hey. Who ever encountered MemberwiseClone or BinaryFormatter in Oxide. Because they do not work for me.
  2. What is your problem exactly? Post your code as well.
  3. [Command("test")]
    void TestCommand(BasePlayer player)
  4. What do you expect that to do?
  5. I'm trying to figure out the oxide, where and what lies. I want to see what to find in BasePlayer
  6. I strongly recommend downloading a decompiler to look at the code. Trying to "print out" the type is a horrible way to figure out what members it has unless you have no other alternative. Additionally, you should search the Oxide site because there have been many threads created regarding developing plugins with Oxide...
  7. In which of the dll is all the information about BasePlayer?
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Assembly-CSharp.dll from Rust.
  9. +1 to all said above, decompiler is a must have. And why would you need MemberwiseClone? (It's not part of Oxide, but .NET).
    It's really not good idea to clone such objects, also MemberwiseClone has a "protected" modifier, thus you can't call it in such way on any object you wish.