1. I'm looking for the plugin that enables /prod, but only shows the name of the owner, not the TC location.
    We're currently using entity owner (EO) but that shows off TC locations and overall TMI. I've seen /prod only display the names before, maybe another line of info as well, but I cannot find it for the life of me. Returned text after /prod was red. Not sure if it's a different plugin entirely or just different configuration of EO. Apologies for the vagueness and appreciate any assistance.
  2. This is the one we currently have, but when you prod outside of TC radius it will list the TC location to all players, which a lot of players dislike. Trying to get it so it only shows the player name for the default group
    I tried this one awhile back but I believe it still showed TC location. I'll give it another go to be sure, thanks for the reply!