Hurtworld Leveling system

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Esdeath2, May 29, 2016.

  1. Hello i see some server have level system how possible ?

    Can you add plugin level system
  2. Which server? And explain more
  3. Rust has an equal, so:
    Level 1 - 1'd get wood on the floor.
    Level 2 - 3'd get wood on the floor.
    Level 3 - 5 wood would take the floor.

    This is an example, and level up was just getting more and collecting resources.
    Mining, woodsman, hunter, builder and so on.
  4. There are many servers that edited HWClans into a level system.
    maybe you need to do that.
  5. This was requested in 2015. I figured it's time to ask for it again. The level system is something I always enjoyed grinding in Rust. The bragging rights and increased gathering is really motivating. How hard would it be to make the exact same plugin work for Hurtworld?