1. Awesome, if you need help with that I'm glad to contribute. Are you the only developer of Oxide?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm mainly just admin here. I keep the builds rolling with the help of some community members. @thomasfn is the developer, but he's been away for awhile.
  3. You are doing a great job rolling updates in.
    Is there any way of contacting with him apart from the forums? If this ever gets out I'll be the first one to print("Wulf's Idea") ;)
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Ha, no need for the print. :p

    He's pretty hard to contact really. Did you have anything specific you wanted to ask him?
  5. Haha, I would feel dirty without the print :D
    It was just to get the API implemented the most efficient way possible to Oxide once it's done. I suppose he know the code perfectly.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd suggest hopping on IRC and talking with the other movers and shakers in the community if you'd like to push it along. There's a couple guys on there that are just as interested. #oxidemod on freenode
  7. Just joined, in one week I'll be able to code proper things :p
    Thank you for everything! We can keep the conversation there if you want