1. Hi! It is possible to make a little plugin that makes the admin resourses not consumable?!
    Ex: i give me 1k wood and when i want to build a base, that 1k wood does not consume!
    (wood/stones/metal_fragments with persission: infinite.resources)


    P.S.: Like Infinite Ammo!
  2. you could make a admin kit with like 500k wood or what ever and all you do is the kit every time you want more . we are doing that ;)
  3. Or use build plugin and not have to worry about that... Or use rusty to spawn a large stack of it
  4. ...not to forget automatic build grades.
    All I got is an admin kit with 100k wood included, dont need anything else. Rest ist taken care of with build for RUST.

  5. I'm assuming there is a way to enable it in-game.

    public bool freeCraftingCheat;public bool CanCraft(ItemBlueprint bp, int amount = 1)
        if (this.freeCraftingCheat)
          return true;
        using (List<ItemAmount>.Enumerator enumerator = bp.ingredients.GetEnumerator())
          while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            ItemAmount current = enumerator.Current;
            if (!this.DoesHaveUsableItem(current.itemid, (int) current.amount * amount))
              return false;
        return true;