Solved Hide item giving notices

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Crytec, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. i need check that. thx wulf
  2. I have had this problem for a while and I think this is my best shot at help but when I'm in rust and I spawn things in by clicking f1 then going to items and spawning them it says to everyone that I spawned it in his do I make it so it does not show please help.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2016
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Search for "admin spawn" or "RemoveAAA" in the Plugins section.
  4. How to use vanilla server ?
  5. how thw issue is solved ? know somebody a command to switch off the massages if you spawn yourself items from F1 as admin?
  6. "WarnChat false" in console?
  7. Do you mind sharing it here?
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's the Admin Spawn plugin in the Plugins section. It's been released for quite some time. ;)
  9. im having a problem with this, even tho ive added this plugin months ago, and was working perfectly fine, now after the update it just stopped working, its announcing chat when item is spawned, and we build arena/safehouse/parkour. and we cannot do this as players think we admin abuse by spawning in loads of stone/wood. any help on this please? thanks.

    EDIT: get no errors, and reloads perfectly fine too.
  10. Please fix or create new one.
    (I'm not looking to argue the finer points of Gary's great vision for rust. Or talk about admin abuse. (tho I hate Admin abuse.) there are some applications for this. I build large buildings for Vip areas and arenas. my players are mostly understanding when I do this. So hiding it Isn't really the issue. It spams the crap out of chat preventing people from really being able to use it.)
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Update Oxide. In the future, please use the plugin's support thread as well, not the request thread.
  13. Thx thats what it was. :)
  14. thanks that worked cheers
  15. Anyone know how to remove this from chat it happens the same way from rcon. cause ill be doing event and winners get something nice out of it like i used to do on the old rust (legacy)

    so yeah it does get annoying in the spam while you want to keep it clean for chat or kill feed.

    anyone know how to remove this or a plugin for it ?
  16. and here i thought that script was just an easier way to give items through chat
    thanks allot
  17. It does both
  18. Maybe on Vanilla server can remove server gave items notification?
    I hear can but i dont find how make this.