

Total Downloads: 18,185 - First Release: Oct 23, 2014 - Last Update: Feb 3, 2017

4.92105/5, 38 likes
  1. Ok. Thanks Wulf!
  2. Nice plugin but very limited to include all command...
  3. Is there any way to add colored messages?
    I tried something like this
            "Shop help: <color=yellow>/help shop</color>",
    But that is not working
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, that would work. Make sure to reload the plugin after.
  5. hey so been trying to set this up it still shoes my help test in chat but also shows a help text not found along side the text when running the admin help pages can someone smarter look at this xd
    a -
  6. You're finishing statements with a coma. Every line except the last should have a comma. The statement finishes with a bracket and then a comma to tell it to continue to the next command. You can see all your mistakes through a .json checker: JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
  7. Running server on Linux, plugin will not compile. Receiving the following error:
    Happens when trying to manually load the plugin, and also when restarting the server it causes all other plugins to fail to compile with the same error.

    As soon as removing the plugins, everything compiles as it should

    **p.s. ignore fauxclip error. i am aware that plugin isn't updated right now.
  8. What's the easiest way to know what's causing the blank text? I just want to edit some lines on mine and every time it seems I do modifications it makes the menu invisible
  9. What about universal plugin example?
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Which game, which menu?

    Example for what?
  11. For API usage in Covalence Oxide Plugin.

    I trying to use this function in my CovalencePlugin class:
    void SendHelpText(IPlayer player) {
        player.Reply("Hi there");
    But get runtime error:
    Failed to call hook 'SendHelpText' on plugin 'SendHelpCovalenceTest v1.0.0' (InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.)
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The hook uses object, not IPlayer. The object for IPlayer is BasePlayer, PlayerSession, etc. depending on the game.
    void SendHelpText(object player)
        var iplayer = players.FindPlayerByObj(player);
        player.Reply("Hi there");
  13. Hello, when I do /help on my server nothing shows up
    My config

      "Settings": {
      "AllowHelpTextFromOtherPlugins": false,
      "CustomHelpText": [
      "Your admins are <color=#F00C0C>Jim</color>, <color=#2EFE2E>Grim`</color> & <color=#0000FF>CaveDog</color>,List of chat commands
    <color=#32EE08>/bgrade</color> = automatic build grade info",
    <color=#32EE08>/clan help</color> = list clan commands",
    <color=#32EE08>/gather</color> = detailed gather rate info",
    <color=#32EE08>/home</color> = home teleport info",
    <color=#32EE08>/ipanel</color> = show HUD adjustment commands",
    <color=#32EE08>/kit</color> = redeem 1 of 3 kits",
    <color=#32EE08>/remove</color> = activate remover tool",
    <color=#32EE08>/s</color> = shows your RP and store",
    <color=#32EE08>/sil</color> = sign artist VIP",
    <color=#32EE08>/tpr playername</color> = teleport request",
    <color=#32EE08>/tpa</color> = teleport accept",
    <color=#32EE08>/voteday</color> = vote day",
    <color=#32EE08>/who</color> = list online players",
    <color=#32EE08>/pr top</color> = player ranks"  ],
      "UseCustomHelpText": true
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Your config is not valid JSON (you're missing many quotation marks); try validating it on a site such as
  15. How do I make for example two commands:
    /help shows the commands
    /rules shows the rules
    Please help!
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This plugin only provides /help for info you set or from plugins. For anything else, use a plugin such as Custom Chat Commands.
  17. CustomChatCommands | Oxide, sanks!
  18. ..........
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2017
  19. Can someone please fix this? Ive spent hours and no matter what I do it wont work and I get this error

    "Pages": {
    "default": {
    "*": [
    "/tphelp- Teleport Help.",
    "/sethome 1~2 - Saves your current position as a home.",
    "/removehome 1~2 - Deletes your current position as a home.",
    "/home 1~2 - Teleports you to your home.",
    "/clan help - Clan Help.",
    "/remove - Enables/Disables you to remove items you have placed.",
    "/trade "Player Name" - Send trade request.",
    "/trade accept" - Accept trade request.",
    "/help - Display this command list again."
    "Settings": {
    "AllowHelpTextFromOtherPlugins": false,
    "BreakAfter": 10,
    "UseCustomHelpText": true
    "VERSION": "2.0.5"

    And when I put it on The JSON Validator it changes it to this but still wont work

    "Pages": {
    "default": {
    "*": [
    "/tphelp- Teleport Help.",
    "/sethome 1~2 - Saves your current position as a home.",
    "/removehome 1~2 - Deletes your current position as a home.",
    "/home 1~2 - Teleports you to your home.",
    "/clan help - Clan Help.",
    "/remove - Enables/Disables you to remove items you have placed.",
    "/trade "
    Player Name " - Send trade request.",
    "/trade accept" - Accept trade request.
    "/help - Display this command list again."
    "Settings": {
    "AllowHelpTextFromOtherPlugins": false,
    "BreakAfter": 10,
    "UseCustomHelpText": true
    "VERSION": "2.0.5"

    Attached Files:

    • ddd.JPG
      File size:
      59.1 KB
  20. Try This mate...

    "Pages": {
    "default": {
    "*": [
    "/tphelp- Teleport Help.",
    "/sethome 1~2 - Saves your current position as a home.",
    "/removehome 1~2 - Deletes your current position as a home.",
    "/home 1~2 - Teleports you to your home.",
    "/clan help - Clan Help.",
    "/remove - Enables/Disables you to remove items you have placed.",
    "/trade Player Name - Send trade request.",
    "/trade accept - Accept trade request.",
    "/help - Display this command list again."
    "Settings": {
    "AllowHelpTextFromOtherPlugins": false,
    "BreakAfter": 10,
    "UseCustomHelpText": true
    "VERSION": "2.0.5"