1. I have private hosting with private plugin, host have private GatherPlus which handle OnDispenserGather(...), my plugin also handle OnDispenserGather(...), but after restart server
    sequence plugin loader changed, and i have x1 resource amount, then handle Gather Plus, how change sequence plugin loader in code or how change hook sequence?
  2. You could rewrite that plugin which should activate its functions after the other one to wait for the first being loaded:
    void OnPluginLoaded(Plugin name)
        if (name.Name == "...")
            // do activation
  3. but how rewrite?
  4. you need some boolean to check for and run then the main initializing function of that plugin when it matches the loaded plugin...in such a way...
  5. where Plugin.reload()? how resubscribe hook?
  6. The load is alphabetical, try to put some number or letter on the first character on the plugin name,
    maybe this can help.