1. Hello,

    I believe this would be fairly easy for someone with knowledge to do but I am looking for a way to make a graphics appear on my screen if I have a certain permission.

    So the way the server works is like this I am using the plugin staffmode for staff to toggle between player & staff but I would like it to be silent which is fine but without having to type a command etc to know.
    So say I was in staffmode with a management group I would like to basically attach a permission to display an image that said something like: Staffmode On
    Under the chat bar around here: https://i.gyazo.com/c9b6f4d57cbd74df5dbcfcc8453c3ff9.png
    So if someone uses the toggle back to player the text would disappear.

    Would appreciate it if someone made it if it doesn't take much time.