1. How to find a player, who activated a Quarry?

    OnQuarryEnabled or OnItemUse, both return an quarry or item object, where i can find an owner. But i need to know, who did enable the quarry (not an owner, but who run it)?
  2. You can get the item owner for OnItemUse but you can't get the person that enabled a quarry directly. You could however do a small spherecast to check who's near the quarry but that might give incorrect results if multiple players are around. I'll look into changing the quarry hook if I have some time to try and include the player.

            void OnItemUse(Item item, int amountToUse)
                var owner = item.parent?.playerOwner;
                if (owner == null) return;
                Puts($"{owner.displayName} used {amountToUse}x{item.info.displayName.english}");