1. Hi all. Does anyone know of a built-in or simple method to get an itemId, Item, ItemDefinition, or ItemBlueprint from a deployed entity? I've been looking all over for a "clean" solution, but I've not been able to find anything.
  2. Something like that is the common way:
    Example from RemoverTool
            static Dictionary<string, string> PrefabNameToDeployable = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            static Dictionary<string, string> PrefabNameToItemName = new Dictionary<string, string>();        void InitializeItems()
                foreach (var item in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions())
                    if (!ItemNameToItemID.ContainsKey(item.displayName.english.ToLower())) ItemNameToItemID.Add(item.displayName.english.ToLower(), item.itemid);                var itemdeployable = item?.GetComponent<ItemModDeployable>();
                    if (itemdeployable == null) continue;                if (!PrefabNameToDeployable.ContainsKey(itemdeployable.entityPrefab.resourcePath)) PrefabNameToDeployable.Add(itemdeployable.entityPrefab.resourcePath, item.displayName.english);
                    if(!PrefabNameToItemName.ContainsKey(itemdeployable.entityPrefab.resourcePath)) PrefabNameToItemName.Add(itemdeployable.entityPrefab.resourcePath, item.shortname);
  3. @Fujikura - Thanks for this! It had just clicked in my brain that I should attack from the other direction and see if I could get the entity from the item and just build a reference map - that is exactly what I needed :)
  4. Great to see this, i ran into the same issue aswell.