1. Hi guys i was looking for a option to force players con connect to join the current event with plugin eventmanager.

    Is this possible?

    Can i achieve this with other plugins?
  2. Yeah, you should use Hook OnPlayerInit, in that hook u should set player like event partipiant.
  3. You could run a command when they join the server (onplayerinit)
    player.SendConsoleCommand("chat.say", "commandtojoineventmanager")
  4. Aren't those blocked now ^ ?
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Some are, some aren't. Bind, connect, disconnect, ddraw, etc. are more limited.
  6. I see. Thanks Wulf.

    Adding the following to EMInterface works.

    void OnPlayerInit(BasePlayer player);
    if (player !=null)
    or hoppel's way, meaning you don't have to modify EMInterface.